Watch Health Plus’ ‘Mindful Break’ video

Watch Health Plus’ Mindful Break video to feel relaxed and renewed by following rejuvenating stretching and breathing from anywhere, anytime.

Health Plus also offers Mindful Breaks onsite at your office:

  • Intended to be held with a minimum of 10 participants in attendance, and booked with sessions lasting up to 20 minutes long.
  • Work attire is appropriate for Mindful Breaks.
  • The first Mindful Break is led by a Health Plus representative in person, with the intention of a department member in attendance then leading future Mindful Breaks using this first session and the materials provided as a guide.

To schedule a Mindful Break for your department, submit a request to Health Plus.

Health Plus is part of Health and Wellness. Health Plus’ mission is to advance healthy lifestyle practices for faculty and staff.