W-2 forms will be mailed this week to employees. Your form will be sent to the most current mailing address in C2HR (typically your home address). You may also access your W-2 by logging into C2HR.
The Affordable Care Act requires Vanderbilt to report the value of its health care plan on your 2014 W-2 form. You can find this dollar amount in Box 12 under Code DD. It includes the portion you pay and the portion Vanderbilt pays for your health coverage for 2014. The reporting is for informational purposes only, and you are not taxed on this benefit.
Per IRS requirements, 403(b) retirement plan amounts shown in Box 12 include only voluntary contributions to the plan (basic plus supplemental) and do not include mandatory contributions.
Replacement W-2 forms
Current and former employees with active VUnetIDs can print W-2 forms from C2HR. Log in with your VUnetID and password, then click on the link for “Taxes” in the right sidebar. The online W-2 has the same information as the mailed W-2.
Employees without computer access may request a replacement W-2 from the Employee Service Center. To ensure confidentiality, HR does not fax W-2 forms. You can pick up the replacement in person at HR Express by showing a photo ID or have the replacement mailed to the address printed on the W-2.
Contact the Employee Service Center.