Effective Dec. 31, Vanderbilt’s Small Purchase Order (SPO) program will be discontinued.
The university is making this change due to the widespread adoption of the more efficient and cost-effective eProcurement and Pcard ordering solutions.
Going forward, all orders less than $500 should be placed using either the eProcurement system or a Pcard. SPO forms have not been available for purchase since Oct. 1, and Vanderbilt suppliers will no longer accept the forms beginning Jan. 1, 2012.
Directions for ordering through the eProcurement system, online tutorials and details on how to arrange access can be found on the eProcurement website.
Directions for obtaining a Pcard and its required training can be found on the Pcard website.
Answers to frequently asked questions can be found at the eProcurement website.
Contact: Sheri DiGiovanna, (615) 343-1963