A conference on synesthesia will bring psychologists, neuroscientists and artists to Vanderbilt University’s Wilson Hall Oct. 1-3 to discuss the latest information about what is described by some as a unique “sixth sense.”
Randolph Blake, Centennial Professor of Psychology, and Edward Hubbard, a post-doctoral fellow in psychology and human and organizational development, are hosting the conference with support from the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development and the Vanderbilt Vision Research Center.
As described by conference co-host Randolph Blake, “Synesthesia is a fascinating, rare neurological condition where stimulation of one sensory modality evokes perceptual experiences in another. It comes in many different forms. For example, some people describe ‘seeing’ colors when they hear musical notes. Others see black-and-white letters in specific colors, and still others perceive a given shape when exposed to a particular odor.”
In addition to presentations by psychologists and neuroscientists conducting research on synesthesia, the conference will feature presentations by “synesthetes” or individuals with synesthesia who will discuss how it informs their work in various fields including art and photography.
The conference is the eighth annual conference of the American Synesthesia Association. Registration and a registration fee are required. For more information and to register, visit http://synesthesia.info.