School Of Medicine
Vanderbilt’s Peabody No. 1 education school for fifth consecutive year
Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development was named the top graduate school of education in the country for the fifth consecutive year by U.S. News and World Report. Read MoreMar 12, 2013
Scientific American: Putting tests to the test
The overuse of many medical tests and interventions wastes money and can actually harm patients, say more than two dozen medical societies. Daniel Barocas, assistant professor of urology, is quoted. Read MoreMar 6, 2013
Dr. Jeffrey R. Balser: Stop the Sequester
The vital partnership between NIH and Vanderbilt – reproduced at universities all around the country – supports thousands of brilliant minds from all around the world. Sequestration will discourage a generation of young people from even considering a career in research. Read MoreMar 5, 2013
High Fidelity: Cochlear implant users report dramatically better hearing with new Vanderbilt process
Longtime cochlear implant users are reporting such dramatic improvements in their hearing, thanks to new image-guided programming methods developed by Vanderbilt University researchers. Read MoreMar 5, 2013
Endowed chair celebration honors nine Vanderbilt faculty
The extraordinary academic achievements of nine Vanderbilt University endowed chair holders were recognized during a Jan. 17 ceremony at the Student Life Center. Read MoreJan 21, 2013
Nominations sought for 2013 faculty teaching, research awards
Nominations are being sought for the 2013 VUMC Academic Enterprise Faculty Awards in Teaching (School of Medicine) and Research (School of Medicine and School of Nursing). Read MoreDec 13, 2012
VUSM alumni show scholarship support
In this day of physician shortages and broad-based economic hardship, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (VUSM) alumni have come together to support the training of the next generation of physicians. Read MoreDec 6, 2012
‘MLK Day: A View from the Pulpit’ scheduled for Jan. 21
The Rev. Kenneth Robinson The Rev. Kenneth S. Robinson of Saint Andrew African Methodist Episcopal Church in Memphis, Tenn., will present “MLK Day: A View from the 21st-century Pulpit” at noon on Monday, Jan. 21. Robinson’s talk, to be held in Light Hall, Room 208, is sponsored by Vanderbilt… Read MoreDec 4, 2012
Nominate medical faculty or staff for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award
Martin Luther King Jr. Nominations are now being accepted for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award. The award is given to a faculty or staff member at the School of Medicine, School of Nursing or Vanderbilt University Medical Center who… Read MoreNov 30, 2012
New faculty: Derek Griffith explores the complexities of men’s health
Griffith serves not only as an associate professor of medicine, health and society within the College of Arts and Science, but also as an associate professor of medicine at the School of Medicine. Read MoreNov 30, 2012
New faculty: John Graves plays role in shaping national health policy
John Graves was part of the team hired by the Obama administration to provide statistical and economic evidence that would inform the development of the Affordable Care Act. Read MoreNov 20, 2012
Nominate medical faculty or staff for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award
Martin Luther King Jr. Nominations are now being accepted for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award. The award is given to a faculty or staff member at the School of Medicine, School of Nursing or Vanderbilt University Medical Center… Read MoreNov 14, 2012
College Halls to be named for distinguished figures from Vanderbilt’s history
As the College Halls at Kissam construction project continues to take shape on the northeast corner of Vanderbilt’s campus, the university has announced plans to name the finished structures and areas within them in honor of several figures significant to the history and culture of the university. Read MoreNov 12, 2012
Three programs highlight resources available for faculty development
Michael Bess (far right), Chancellor's Professor of History, consults with junior faculty during a Center for Teaching-sponsored Teaching Visit. (image courtesy Center for Teaching) Vanderbilt takes seriously its mission to be a center for scholarly research, informed and creative teaching and service to the community and society at large. Read MoreNov 9, 2012
New Medical Faculty 2012
A complete list of new School of Medicine and School of Nursing faculty for 2012 School of Medicine Aqeela Afzal, Ph.D. Research assistant professor of neurological surgery Francisco Aguirre, M.D. Instructor in clinical obstetrics and gynecology Neda Ahmadi, M.D. Instructor in otolaryngology Syed Toufeeq Ahmed, Ph.D. Read MoreNov 9, 2012
Flexner Dean’s Lecture to explore parallels in the military and medicine
Vanderbilt School of Medicine’s Flexner Dean’s Lecture Series will present “Med, White and Blue: Leadership Parallels in the Military and Medicine” at noon Friday, Nov. 9, in Light Hall, Room 208. The lecture will feature Maj. Amy E. Fleming, United States Air Force and assistant professor of pediatrics at… Read MoreNov 6, 2012
Speaker urges students, faculty to continue diversity-related efforts
Alvin Poussaint, M.D., professor of Psychiatry and faculty associate dean for Student Affairs at Harvard Medical School, said the appearance of more diversity in medical schools is evidence of progress, but he cautions that the issue is more complicated than ever. Read MoreOct 25, 2012
Lecture in surgical history to feature Tarpley
The H. William Scott Jr. Society and Vanderbilt University Medical Alumni Affairs present the lecture in surgical history, as part of the 2012 Vanderbilt Medical Alumni Reunion, Oct. 25… Read MoreOct 18, 2012
VUSM student lauded for Mobile Market
School of Medicine student Ravi Patel, seated, is being honored for his work creating the Nashville Mobile Market. With him at the healthy food project’s debut three years ago are, from left, Vanderbilt students Nicole Gunasekera, Alex Arnold, Emily Zern and Kate Foster. (Photo by John Russell)… Read MoreOct 18, 2012
VU mourns loss of Pediatrics icon Sell
Sarah H. Sell, M.D., professor of Pediatrics, Emerita, one of the key players in the development of the childhood vaccine to protect against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in children younger than 5, died Saturday, Oct. 6. She was 99. Read MoreOct 11, 2012