Better blood pressure-reducing drugs?
A newer version of an old class of blood pressure lowering drugs may offer advantages for obese patients with metabolic syndrome. Read MoreApr 30, 2012
Dengue antibodies give vaccine leads
New information may help speed development of a vaccine or treatment for dengue fever. Read MoreApr 27, 2012
New drug mutes more melanomas
An experimental melanoma drug may be beneficial for patients not eligible for targeted therapies. Read MoreApr 26, 2012
Neuronal clues to cholesterol-defect disorder
Antioxidants may be a beneficial treatment for an inherited genetic disorder. Read MoreApr 20, 2012
Application deadline for new drug, gene and biomarker discovery pilot and feasibility program is May 14
The Vanderbilt DRTC facilitates the discovery, application and translation of scientific knowledge to improve the care of patients with diabetes. The Vanderbilt Diabetes Research and Training Center announces a new pilot and feasibility program (P&F) for innovative studies that use the VICB High-Throughput Screening Facility,… Read MoreApr 17, 2012
Wilms’ tumors differ in developing nations
In addition to limited health care resources, biological factors may play a role in the poor survival of children with a common kidney cancer in developing nations. Read MoreApr 13, 2012
Targeting post-transplant diabetes
Targeting diabetes that develops after a stem cell transplant may help moderate graft-vs.-host disease, an adverse effect of the procedure, and improve outcomes. Read MoreApr 12, 2012
New tool hooks heart failure drugs
A new screening tool – using glowing fish embryos – could identify therapeutics for myocardial hypertrophy and heart failure. Read MoreApr 6, 2012
Plant compound quells inflammation
Berberine, an herbal remedy for diarrhea and intestinal parasites, may be an effective treatment for gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases. Read MoreApr 6, 2012
Stem cell population may hold colon cancer clues
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center researchers have identified a new population of intestinal stem cells that may hold clues to the origin of colorectal cancer. Read MoreMar 29, 2012
Smoking stokes cells’ cancer capacity
Cellular pathways altered by chronic exposure to cigarette smoke may reveal new biomarkers to assess smoking-induced lung cancer risk. Read MoreMar 23, 2012
Obesity turns “good” cholesterol bad
Studies offer new insights into how obesity impairs the function of HDL, the “good” cholesterol. Read MoreMar 21, 2012
Mouse model for autism yields clues to a 50-year-old mystery
A genetic variation that causes early disruptions in serotonin signaling in the brain may contribute to autism spectrum disorder and other enduring effects on behavior. Read MoreMar 20, 2012
iPOND method goes fishing for proteins
A new tool will allow researchers to identify proteins involved in DNA replication and damage repair, processes that go awry in cancer. Read MoreMar 19, 2012
Colon cancer’s cellular crossroads
New information about signaling pathways involved in colorectal cancer could aid in assessing prognosis and identifying new therapeutic targets for the disease. Read MoreMar 16, 2012
Urine biomarker for colon cancer?
A molecule detectable in urine may be helpful in diagnosing colon cancer. Read MoreMar 10, 2012
Vanderbilt expanding research enterprise into Williamson County
With the addition of a new 18,000-square-foot laboratory to be located within the Cool Springs Life Sciences Center, Vanderbilt University is expanding its research enterprise into Williamson County. Read MoreMar 9, 2012
Combo combats dizziness
Some patients may need a combo of medications to combat a condition that causes dizziness. Read MoreMar 9, 2012
‘Detangler’ binds, bends and cuts DNA
New details on the DNA-cutting activity of topoisomerase II, a target of anti-cancer drugs, could lead to better chemotherapeutic agents. Read MoreMar 2, 2012
‘Acid test’ for cervical cancer
An inexpensive, low-tech test for cervical cancer may be a good option for screening for the disease among HIV-infected women in developing countries. Read MoreFeb 21, 2012