Drug Discovery
Vanderbilt, Bayer collaborate to develop new therapies against kidney diseases
Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) and Bayer have agreed on a five-year strategic research alliance to evaluate new drug candidates for the treatment of kidney diseases, with the goal of accelerating the translation of innovative approaches from the laboratory to pre-clinical development. Read MoreSep 11, 2017
Vanderbilt begins Phase 1 trials of new Alzheimer’s drug
Developed at Vanderbilt, VU319 is designed to precisely target a specific neuron receptor associated with cognitive function while avoiding potentially dangerous side effects. Read MoreAug 7, 2017
Vanderbilt, Ono Pharmaceutical extend drug discovery agreement
Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), Vanderbilt University and Japan-based Ono Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. have expanded a drug discovery agreement initiated in 2015 that will now run through 2019. Read MoreMay 25, 2017
New method for tapping vast plant pharmacopeia to make more effective drugs
Geneticists have developed an effective new method for identifying the genes that produce the chemicals plants use to protect themselves from predators, which are an important natural drug source. Read MoreApr 14, 2017
Fighting fungal infections
A detailed structural and functional analysis of the yeast protein that is the main target of antifungal drugs will help direct efforts to develop better treatments. Read MoreApr 3, 2017
Investigational new drug for Alzheimer’s scheduled for first study in humans
Vanderbilt University scientists have received notification from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that testing in humans may proceed for an investigational new drug for Alzheimer's disease after more than 10 years of research by scientists at Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Read MoreDec 27, 2016
VU takes key role in cancer drug discovery consortium
Vanderbilt University has been selected as one of seven Dedicated Centers in the nation for the next phase of the Chemical Biology Consortium (CBC), a national network of scientists on the leading edge of cancer drug discovery. Read MoreJun 23, 2016
Current cancer drug discovery method flawed: VUMC study
The primary method used to test compounds for anti-cancer activity in cells is flawed, Vanderbilt University researchers reported May 2 in Nature Methods. Read MoreMay 5, 2016
Putting schizophrenia to bed
A new compound developed at Vanderbilt treats multiple symptoms of schizophrenia in an animal model, without causing sedation. Read MoreMar 21, 2016
Vanderbilt, Ono Pharmaceutical sign drug discovery agreement
Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Ono Pharmaceutical Group, an international company based in Japan, have signed a drug discovery agreement. Read MoreDec 10, 2015
Rational design of novel antifungals
Structural and molecular details of an anti-fungal target's interaction with inhibitors suggest ways to design better treatments for fungal infections. Read MoreOct 7, 2015
Collaboration seeks to develop new therapies for bone, other diseases
La Jolla Pharmaceutical Co. and Vanderbilt University have signed a research and license agreement covering Vanderbilt’s research program and intellectual property rights related to compounds that block bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) type-I receptors. The compounds have therapeutic potential in a broad range of diseases, including rare genetic disorders. Read MoreOct 1, 2015
Drug signaling networks
Vanderbilt investigators have developed a new algorithm to understand the networks of signaling molecules that control drug action. Read MoreJul 15, 2015
New strategy to combat HIV
Inhibitors of the enzyme phospholipase D1 suppress the replication of HIV-1, Vanderbilt investigators have discovered. Read MoreJun 12, 2015
Grant spurs schizophrenia research
Vanderbilt University is partnering with the William K. Warren Foundation of Tulsa, Oklahoma, on research aimed at improving the treatment of schizophrenia and other forms of serious mental illness. Read MoreFeb 12, 2015
Targeting HIV’s “cap”
New findings underscore the attractiveness of the HIV capsid – the structure that encloses the viral genome – as a therapeutic target. Read MoreFeb 10, 2015
Life’s extremists may be an untapped source of antibacterial drugs
A family of single-celled organisms that thrive in environments too extreme for most other species to survive may be an untapped source of new antibacterial drugs. Read MoreNov 21, 2014
Receptor discovery shines new light on appetite regulation
A receptor in the brain that regulates appetite and body weight has now been found in L cells, key regulatory cells in the gut, providing the pharmaceutical industry with a novel drug target for both obesity and diabetes, a Vanderbilt University-led research team reported this week. Read MoreNov 20, 2014
Lung cancer study reveals new drug combination targets
A Vanderbilt lung cancer patient’s exceptional response to different types of therapies spurred research that suggests lung cancer patients with specific gene alterations may benefit from combination therapy that targets two different cancer pathways. Read MoreSep 4, 2014
Enzyme holds the door for influenza
Compounds developed at Vanderbilt University may offer a new way to block influenza infection. Read MoreAug 20, 2014