Bethany Rittle-Johnson
Study: Feedback can hinder kids’ math outcomes
When doing math, some children do worse on subsequent problems after receiving feedback. Read MoreJun 11, 2015
Class of 2015: Junyi Chu brings global perspective to helping children learn
Is there a better way to teach kids math? Senior Junyi Chu, a child development and cognitive studies major, is using her honors thesis to explore that question. Read MoreApr 28, 2015
Common Core math should include ‘pattern abstraction’
Exposing preschoolers to patterning activities builds the foundation for early math skills. Read MoreMar 18, 2015
Abstract language may help preschoolers grasp early math concepts
Minor differences in language can have a large effect on how children think about learning materials, including the objects that make up a pattern. Read MoreFeb 3, 2015
Is math hard because we’re teaching it wrong?
Introducing concepts before equations may make it easier to learn math, according to a new Vanderbilt study. Read MoreAug 12, 2014
Media Advisory: Education experts available for back-to-school stories
Education experts from Vanderbilt Peabody College are available to comment on a wide variety of education topics. Read MoreJul 29, 2014
Math education expert selected for NGA roundtable
Peabody's Bethany Rittle-Johnson was one of a select group of education professionals invited to participate in the National Governors Association Expert Roundtable for Strengthening Early Mathematics Education. Read MoreDec 3, 2013