The Vanderbilt Story
Inside Out
Community Connections aims to enrich the work lives of Vanderbilt staff Janiece Vincz (left) and Lara Beth Lehman (John Russell/Vanderbilt) As one of Tennessee’s largest employers, Vanderbilt is, in essence, a small city. More than 22,000 workers comprise this bustling community, which is service-minded, rich in creativity and culturally diverse. What… Read MoreJan 1, 2012
No Way Home
Vijay Padmanabhan helps tread the line between detainees’ safety and human rights Vijay Padmanabhan (Sandy Campbell/Vanderbilt) Candidate Barack Obama pledged in 2008 to close the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. But as President Obama runs for re-election four years later, it remains open. Vanderbilt law professor and former State Department… Read MoreJan 1, 2012
Jen-Jen Lin, What’s Your Story?
Jen-Jen Lin (John Russell/Vanderbilt) Jen-Jen Lin keeps six lions in her basement and a dragon in the closet. The awesome lion costumes live at her home until brought to life by dancers who perform the traditional Chinese Lion Dance under her direction. The spectacular 60-foot dragon, used… Read MoreJan 1, 2012
Next Steps: Redefining “team effort”
VUCast’s Carole Bartoo tells us about the “Next Steps” program and the powerful impact it’s having on young adults with special needs-and the Vanderbilt students helping them. You can learn more about the Next Steps program at You can read a feature on the program in the January… Read MoreDec 19, 2011
VUCast: Four Stories to Inspire!
This Week on VUCast, Vanderbilt’s weekly newscast highlighting research, experts, students, sports and everything Vanderbilt: Next Steps: Redefining “team effort” A student’s mission to save lives becomes reality A surgeon teaches compassion through memories Rascal Flatts brings harmony to sick children [vucastblurb]… Read MoreDec 16, 2011
Teach for America inspires alumni to serve through educating children
Teach For America inspired Neily Todd to stay in teaching beyond her two-year term. She says she now goes through the day thinking about what’s best for her students. (Vanderbilt University) The October after his graduation from the College of Arts and Science was arguably one of… Read MoreDec 13, 2011
Iron Chef: Ingram Commons
A group of undergrads are ready to take on chef masters in a food battle Iron Chef style! Come inside the Ingram Commons to see first year students battle it out with Vanderbilt dining’s best!… Read MoreDec 13, 2011
Undergraduate students conduct research in the Stubbs Lab
Learn about an unusual research lab on Vanderbilt’s campus which employs almost entirely undergraduate students. Read more: Biology Lab Utilizes Undergraduate Research to Study Protein Diseases Produced by Vanderbilt student Harrison Dreves. Read MoreDec 13, 2011
Black and Gold
Meet the soft-spoken member of the Vanderbilt a cappella group The Melodores who has taken on celebrity status at Vanderbilt for his remix of a popular Wiz Khalifa song into a Vanderbilt anthem. Get ready to have Nick Wells’ contagious hip hop remix “Black and Gold” running through your head… Read MoreDec 13, 2011
Stanley Cohen’s Nobel Prize: 25 years of progress
Twenty-five years after he received the Nobel Prize, Stanley Cohen’s discovery of epidermal growth factor continues to transform medicine. Read MoreDec 9, 2011
Full Circle
Ken Galloway’s legacy will continue as he transitions from dean of engineering to full-time faculty member Ken Galloway (John Russell/Vanderbilt) If you ask Ken Galloway what he’s doing on July 1, 2012 – the day he officially transitions from his role as dean of Vanderbilt’s School of… Read MoreDec 5, 2011
Tale of the Script
Steve Graham’s career-spanning research explores the value of writing instruction Steve Graham (John Russell/Vanderbilt) It’s that time of year when children are penning their letters to Santa, careful to recount their every Christmas wish. While the biggest challenge for competent writers might be narrowing their list, a significant number… Read MoreDec 5, 2011
Midori Lockett, What’s Your Story?
Midori Lockett (John Russell/Vanderbilt) The arts have always been a big part of who Midori Lockett is and how she lives. “I saw my first play, Jack and the Beanstalk, at Nashville Children’s Theatre when I was 3,” she said. “I had my first art class when I was… Read MoreDec 5, 2011
Solomon helps the pros rebound from concussion
An athlete may weigh 250 pounds, but all that bulk is controlled by a mere three-pound brain. Those three pounds control the other 247 pounds, the muscles and bones and heart and lungs that enable athletes to perform their feats of strength and agility. And Nashville’s professional athletes entrust their… Read MoreDec 1, 2011
Clark Bosslet and Blake Knight on documenting the Owen experience through podcast interviews
Clark Bosslet and Blake Knight are both MBA candidates for 2012 and bloggers for, a website that offers an uncensored student perspective on life at the Owen School. The Owen Podcast Series, which Bosslet and Knight film and produce for the site, features interviews with faculty, fellow students, alumni… Read MoreNov 18, 2011
Pressure Cooker: Bappa Mukherji, MBA’95, JD’95, is looking to bag the next big thing in the food industry
Ashoke “Bappa” Mukherji is no stranger to pressure. Soon after graduating from Vanderbilt with both an MBA and a law degree, he was thrust into one of the more challenging roles a budding young attorney could ask for—sitting second chair in a first-degree murder trial. It was his first trial… Read MoreNov 18, 2011
VUCast: Vanderbilt Bookstore grand opening
This Week on VUCast, Vanderbilt’s weekly newscast highlighting research, experts, students, sports and everything Vanderbilt: experience the grand opening of the new Vanderbilt Bookstore the dangers and solutions for handling old medicine and Peabody through the centuries [vucastblurb]… Read MoreNov 14, 2011
Five minutes with Writing Studio assistant director Gary Jaeger
Gary Jaeger could probably improve the writing in this magazine standing on his head. A philosopher, writing coach and yogi, Jaeger serves as the assistant director of the Writing Studio and senior lecturer in the philosophy department, as well as a yoga instructor at 12 South Yoga in Nashville. After… Read MoreNov 12, 2011
Valerie Kazmer Matena, BA’08, and the Spartan Death Race
I didn’t finish the race. Forty hours into the Death Race and a mere five hours from the end, I quit. In my four years as a Vanderbilt athlete, I had never failed to make it to the finish line. I had faced disappointment, failed to meet goals, even finished… Read MoreNov 12, 2011
Material Research: Çağlar Oskay succeeds by focusing on failure in the real world
Çağlar Oskay is an expert in failure and that makes him—and his work—a success. Oskay, assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering since 2006, has focused much of his research on the failure of structures and predicting the lifespan of heterogeneous materials through multiscale computational mechanics. “People… Read MoreNov 12, 2011