Engineering And Technology
Nashville Scene Innovations 2013: Seat relief
For their senior design project for the School of Engineering, six Vanderbilt students created the KidSense Car Seat System. The system detects if a child has been left unattended and if the environment has become dangerously hot or cold. Co-creator Chelsea Stowell, BE’13, is quoted. Read MoreAug 9, 2013
Nashville Scene Innovations 2013: How soon is NAO
Vanderbilt researchers reprogrammed a humanoid robot and an XBox Kinect to help autistic children improve their abilities to engage in social interactions. Nilanjan Sarkar, professor of mechanical and computer engineering, is quoted. Read MoreAug 9, 2013
Nashville Scene Innovations 2013: MOOC Synthesizer
Vanderbilt University seeks to be on the leading edge of the MOOC field with the opening of its Institute for Digital Learning. Read MoreAug 9, 2013
Robot uses steerable needles to treat brain clots
Surgery to relieve the damaging pressure caused by hemorrhaging in the brain is a perfect job for a robot. That is the basic premise of a new image-guided surgical system under development at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreAug 8, 2013
Industry Week: Are engineering schools the unsung hero in America’s industrial rebound?
Groundbreaking research, cutting-edge systems and university partnerships with industry and government have resulted in new technologies and paradigms that have transformed American industry, and will continue to bolster American competitiveness for the next decade, writes Philippe Fauchet, dean of the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering. Read MoreAug 1, 2013
Collaboration between Vanderbilt and startup Femtometrix leads to exclusive deal
An innovative wafer inspection tool developed by a team of Vanderbilt professors and engineers has been licensed exclusively to startup company Femtometrix. Read MoreJul 18, 2013
Summer interns produce aids for amateur inventors
Seven Nashville high school students spent their summer working on introductory manuals for a new suite of software developed at Vanderbilt’s Institute for Software Integrated Systems to democratize the vehicle design process. Read MoreJul 18, 2013
Fyffe wins first place in DOE fuel cycle research competition
Lindsey Morgan Fyffe, a doctoral student in environmental engineering, has been awarded a first place prize in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Innovations in Fuel Cycle Research Awards competition. Read MoreJul 15, 2013
Vanderbilt engineering grad student wins NASA fellowship
Engineering graduate student Electa Baker is one of 65 individuals selected as 2013 NASA Space Technology Fellows. Read MoreJul 11, 2013
Krahn receives U.S. academy’s environmental engineering certification
Steven L. Krahn, professor of the practice of nuclear environmental engineering, has been accepted by eminence into the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists as a Board Certified Environmental Engineering Member in the specialty practice of hazardous waste management. Read MoreJul 9, 2013
Vanderbilt wins $9.3M DARPA contract to evolve tools for military vehicle design
Vanderbilt University engineers in the Institute for Software Integrated Systems have been awarded a $9.3 million contract over two years to continue their work to mature META tools that are part of a flagship Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Adaptive Vehicle Make (AVM) program. Read MoreMay 1, 2013
Tracking gunfire with a smartphone
A team of computer engineers from Vanderbilt University’s Institute of Software Integrated Systems has developed an inexpensive hardware module and related software that can transform an Android smartphone into a simple shooter location system. Read MoreApr 25, 2013
Aerospace club wins payload design category of annual NASA rocket contest
For the fourth year in a row, the Best Payload Design award went to the Vanderbilt Aerospace Club in the 12th annual NASA University Student Launch Initiative Sunday, April 21, in a field at Bragg Farms in Toney, Ala. This is the sixth year the club has entered the national rocketry competition. Read MoreApr 22, 2013
Prosthetic limb advances could help victims of the Boston Marathon bombings
Within the next one to three years, "bionic" prosthetic devices will become available for the people whose limbs were amputated in the Boston Marathon bombing that are substantially smarter, more capable, more active and more interactive than those currently on the market. Read MoreApr 19, 2013
Seniors earn Aeronautics Institute win before Design Day debut
A novel redesign of industrial exhaust stacks that could result in 12% energy savings has earned a Vanderbilt student design team a second-place win in the team division at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Region II conference last week. Read MoreApr 17, 2013
Tabletop plasma generator brings Jupiter’s core to the lab
A Vanderbilt engineering graduate student has created a small-scale, efficient way to produce high-energy density plasma--the state of matter found in the center of stars and gas giants like Jupiter--with a tabletop device. Read MoreApr 9, 2013
Grant bolsters liver tumor surgery techniques
A team led by Vanderbilt University biomedical engineer Michael Miga, associate professor of Biomedical Engineering, Radiology and Radiological Sciences, and Neurological Surgery, has been awarded a five-year, $3.1 million grant from the National Cancer Institute to enhance image-guided surgery techniques for safely removing liver tumors. Read MoreApr 8, 2013
ME student selected for 2013 NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program
Theodore Malik Russell has received early acceptance notice to take part in the 2013 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Md. Read MoreApr 8, 2013
Pint’s lab brings first ALD systems to Vanderbilt
Cary Pint’s lab – Nanomaterials and Energy Devices Laboratory in Olin Hall – is close to completion and it brings to Vanderbilt its first two atomic layer deposition (ALD) systems, relatively small tools that deposit atomically thin layers of material on virtually any surface. Read MoreApr 2, 2013
Telerobotic system designed to treat bladder cancer
An interdisciplinary collaboration of engineers and doctors at Vanderbilt and Columbia Universities has designed a robotic microsurgery system specifically designed to treat bladder cancer, the sixth most common form of cancer in the U.S. and the most expensive to treat. Read MoreApr 2, 2013