A VU Inside: Engineer uses cotton candy to build artificial blood vessels
Vanderbilt University mechanical engineer Leon Bellan is creating artificial human blood vessels using cotton candy and gelatin. Read MoreMar 27, 2015
Engineering dean joins nationwide pledge to train next-gen engineers
Vanderbilt's School of Engineering joins the nationwide effort to equip a new generation of engineers to tackle the most pressing issues of the day. Read MoreMar 27, 2015
‘College of the future’ topic of engineering lecture April 7
As technological advances ‘evolutionize’ higher education, award-winning author and speaker Jeffrey Selingo imagines what the college of the future will look like. Read MoreMar 27, 2015
‘Docking stations’ on chromosomes new anti-cancer target
Vanderbilt University researchers have discovered a cleft in a chromosome-binding protein that may hold the key to stopping most cancers in their tracks. Read MoreMar 26, 2015
ResearchMatch adds new clinical trials feature
Patients seeking to participate in clinical trials have a new option in online tools for finding studies that might offer hope for their problem or condition. Read MoreMar 26, 2015
Discovery Lecturer O’Rahilly to explore obesity, insulin resistance
Sir Stephen O’Rahilly, M.D., an expert in metabolic and endocrine diseases, will deliver the next Flexner Discovery Lecture on Thursday, April 2. Read MoreMar 26, 2015
Nominations for Vanderbilt Prize Scholar sought
Nominations for this year’s Vanderbilt Prize Scholar are now being accepted. The deadline is April 24. Read MoreMar 26, 2015
Vanderbilt and Pittsburgh to lead new center to identify toxic chemicals
EPA is establishing a new center at Vanderbilt University and the University of Pittsburgh to develop an alternative approach for toxicity testing to help evaluate the safety of the 80,000-plus chemicals in general commerce. Read MoreMar 25, 2015
Cal Turner Family Foundation gift establishes center for social ventures at Vanderbilt
The Turner Family Center for Social Ventures is being started at Vanderbilt with a $1.2 million donation from Cal Turner Jr.'s foundation. Read MoreMar 25, 2015
Nearly half of Brazilians support coup if corruption is high: LAPOP
A survey in Brazil by Vanderbilt's LAPOP project shows that the public there is open to a military coup in times of high government corruption. Read MoreMar 25, 2015
Public lecture on social media and science communication March 26
This year's Forman lecturer, Chad Orzel, will talk about social media for communicating science. Read MoreMar 24, 2015
This Easter weekend, hunt for fossils, not colored eggs
Vanderbilt students will give visitors a glimpse of Tennessee’s ancient past April 4 by guiding fossil hunts, identifying fossils and giving presentations and guided tours. Read MoreMar 24, 2015
Indigenous use of digital media focus of VU-MTSU conference March 26-28
The InDigital Latin American Conference: Indigenous Engagement with Digital and Electronic Media will cover indigenous filmmaking as well as indigenous engagement with radio, television, DVDs, photography, social media and more. Read MoreMar 23, 2015
New systems biology method may help improve vaccine evaluation
Researchers at Vanderbilt University have found a new way to “dissect” the human immune response following influenza vaccination. Read MoreMar 23, 2015
Streptococcus virulence involves three-step plasminogen binding
Researchers at Vanderbilt have shown for the first time how a component of streptococci A and C bacteria helps spread the virus so rapidly through the body. Read MoreMar 20, 2015
Multi-sensory processing model explores autism, schizophrenia
There is growing evidence that disorders such as autism and schizophrenia involve deficits in what is called “multi-sensory processing,” the ability of the brain to properly integrate information coming in through the eyes, ears and other senses. Read MoreMar 19, 2015
Smith selected as next editor of Journal of Urology
Joseph Smith, M.D. Joseph Smith Jr., M.D., professor of Urologic Surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, was recently named the next editor of The Journal of Urology. Smith, the William L. Bray Professor of Urology, was selected for the role by the American Urological Association Board of… Read MoreMar 19, 2015
VUSM student earns HIV/AIDS fellowship
Third-year Vanderbilt University School of Medicine student Ishan Asokan has been selected as an inaugural member of the Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF) Fellowship for students addressing HIV/AIDS and health disparities. Read MoreMar 19, 2015
New research group oversees studies in advanced heart failure
Vanderbilt’s Department of Cardiac Surgery has developed an Advanced Heart Failure Clinical and Translational Research Group that serves as a central research resource for advanced heart failure surgeons and cardiologists. Read MoreMar 19, 2015
Skaar elected to American Academy of Microbiology
Eric Skaar, Ph.D., MPH Eric Skaar, Ph.D., MPH, the Ernest W. Goodpasture Professor of Pathology, has been elected to fellowship in the American Academy of Microbiology. Skaar is one of seven current Vanderbilt faculty members who are AAM fellows. The 2,400-member academy is an… Read MoreMar 19, 2015