Surgery and engineering initiative becomes institute
VISE is keeping its acronym but changing its name. The Vanderbilt Initiative in Surgery and Engineering will become the Vanderbilt Institute in Surgery and Engineering. Read MoreSep 10, 2015
Grants spur effort to add genetic data to EMR
Vanderbilt University researchers have received two major federal grants — totaling $7.6 million over four years — to support groundbreaking research aimed at making genetic information a routine part of patients’ electronic medical records. Read MoreSep 10, 2015
Diabetes trial targets body’s ability to produce insulin
Kiersten Eaddy had long looked forward to her high school graduation day and joining her classmates to celebrate the accomplishment. Read MoreSep 10, 2015
Initiative seeks to bolster ‘rediscovery research’
The Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (VICTR) is partnering with a public charity, Cures Within Reach, to encourage “rediscovery research,” the “repurposing” of already approved medical treatments to other conditions or diseases for which there are no “universally” effective therapies. Read MoreSep 10, 2015
Gifford, Bell land development awards in aging research
Two faculty members of the Vanderbilt Memory and Alzheimer’s Center are among a handful of 2015 scholars for the Paul B. Beeson Career Development Awards in Aging Research Program. Read MoreSep 10, 2015
Ebola symposium to feature Nigerian physicians
Three Nigerian physicians who survived Ebola virus disease in July 2014 after coming in direct contact with an Ebola-infected patient will speak at Vanderbilt University Medical Center next Wednesday, Sept. 16. Read MoreSep 10, 2015
How to build a basement
Understanding the action of a certain enzyme will shed light on basement membrane function, and on disorders ranging from diabetic kidney disease to cancer. Read MoreSep 9, 2015
Vanderbilt earns best-ever No. 15 ranking from ‘U.S. News & World Report’
Vanderbilt was ranked No. 15 on "U.S. News & World Report's" list of top national universities, its best-ever showing. Read MoreSep 9, 2015
Immune cells and obesity
Understanding how macrophage immune cells accumulate in fat tissue and contribute to the pathology of obesity could lead to the development of novel therapeutics for metabolic disorders. Read MoreSep 8, 2015
Vitamin C protects blood vessel lining
Dietary vitamin C may maintain healthy blood vessels in patients with inflammatory diseases. Read MoreSep 4, 2015
A VU Inside: Professor explores caves for clues to climate change
Jessica Oster is a member of a small group of earth scientists pioneering the use of mineral cave deposits in stalagmites, collectively known as speleothems, as proxies for the prehistoric climate. Read MoreSep 3, 2015
Bad “traffic” linked to cancer
Understanding how signaling molecules are transported within and out of the cell may help to uncover the causes of certain cancers. Read MoreSep 3, 2015
Study to compare benefits of bariatric surgery methods
Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers are participating in a national study to compare the health benefits and safety of three main methods of bariatric, or weight-loss surgery. Read MoreSep 3, 2015
Clayton to co-chair National Academies’ review committee
Ellen Clayton, M.D., J.D., the Craig-Weaver Professor of Pediatrics and professor of Law and Health Policy at Vanderbilt University, has been selected to serve as co-chair of the National Academies’ Report Review Committee (RRC). Read MoreSep 3, 2015
New program set to explore effects of music on the mind
Vanderbilt University is seizing the opportunity to become a hub for music research in the heart of Music City. Read MoreSep 3, 2015
Evidence that Earth’s first mass extinction was caused by critters, not catastrophe
The Earth's first mass extinction event 540 million years ago was caused not by a meteorite impact or volcanic super-eruption, but by the rise of early animals that dramatically changed to prehistoric environment. Read MoreSep 2, 2015
Vanderbilt provost speaks Sept. 2 at downtown public library
Vanderbilt Provost Susan Wente speaks Sept. 2 at the downtown Nashville Public Library about the workings of a research institution. Read MoreAug 28, 2015
Recognition, not money, motivates middle-schoolers to learn, especially girls
A new study evaluated a group of middle-schoolers to see which incentives were more effective in improving attendance in after-school tutoring program. Read MoreAug 28, 2015
Homeless advocates gather to discuss new housing study
Housing vouchers work best, but landlords often are unwilling to accept them in Nashville's strong rental market. Read MoreAug 28, 2015
Carr, Manning honored by radiology research academy
Two leaders in imaging science at Vanderbilt University are among 37 recipients of the 2015 Distinguished Investigator Award from the Academy of Radiology Research (ARR), academy officials announced last week. Read MoreAug 27, 2015