Health And Medicine
Study identifies critical regulator of tumor-specific T cell differentiation
A study published June 17 in Nature offers clues as to why blocking inhibitory receptors on tumor-infiltrating T cells may not always work Read MoreJun 18, 2019
New method tested to block chikungunya infection
Scientists are testing a new way to fight chikungunya virus that involves injecting genetic material into the bodies of infected and at-risk individuals to trigger rapid production of potent, virus-neutralizing antibodies. Read MoreJun 14, 2019
Study seeks to expand treatment options for rare airway disease
Idiopathic subglottic stenosis is an unexplained narrowing of the windpipe just below the vocal cords. The disease is progressive, slowly affecting the patient’s ability to breathe, and can be fatal due to airway obstruction if left untreated. Read MoreJun 14, 2019
Cardiac toxicity risk factors identified with relapsed multiple myeloma therapy
More than half of patients with relapsed multiple myeloma treated with carfilzomib experienced cardiac issues during treatment, according to a multi-institutional study published June 12 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Read MoreJun 14, 2019
Quick DNA test for malaria drug resistance is life-saver, holds promise for other diseases
Doctors formerly had to extract the malaria parasite’s DNA first, virtually impossible to do in rural, low-resource areas. Read MoreJun 12, 2019
Steroid binding to metabolic enzyme
Understanding how a steroid-metabolizing enzyme binds to its substrates may aid in designing drugs to treat sexual dysfunction as well as prostate cancer. Read MoreJun 12, 2019
Cell-cell signals in developing heart
Scott Baldwin and colleagues have discovered early signaling events during heart development, findings that could guide cell replacement therapies for heart disease. Read MoreJun 10, 2019
VUMC joins international effort to speed vaccine development
VUMC has joined an international effort to streamline and accelerate development of vaccines and other treatments against a growing worldwide surge of deadly and debilitating viral infections. Read MoreJun 6, 2019
Mouth health and colorectal cancer
Microbial species in the mouth could be playing a role in colorectal cancer development, according to new research from epidemiologists at VUMC. Read MoreJun 6, 2019
Treating core Rett syndrome symptoms
A new study published in Neurology reports the drug trofinetide has proven safe and effective in treating core symptoms of Rett syndrome in female children and adolescents. Read MoreJun 6, 2019
Study sheds light on importance of comprehension when obtaining consent
A study from Vanderbilt’s Center for Biomedical Ethics and Society is bringing renewed focus on the concept of comprehension of informed consent for research purposes. Read MoreJun 6, 2019
Study details regulation of a multi-drug transporter
Vanderbilt University researchers have discovered how a protein pump distinguishes between chemicals that it will expel from a cell and inhibitors that block its action. The new findings could guide the development of more efficient inhibitors to prevent cancer cell resistance to chemotherapy. Read MoreMay 30, 2019
Inaugural Alzheimer’s Disease Research Day draws crowd for talks, posters, data blitzes
Vanderbilt's inaugural Alzheimer’s Disease Research Day drew more than 100 attendees to hear faculty lectures on subjects ranging from diet to brain modeling, take in short “data blitzes” on individual areas of research, and visit a 35-station poster session. Read MoreMay 28, 2019
Flu’s “hidden target” may lead to universal vaccine: study
The flu mutates so quickly that we need a new vaccine every year, but Vanderbilt scientists have found a vulnerable part of the virus that doesn't mutate as much. Read MoreMay 16, 2019
Vanderbilt team determining how seasonal light for pregnant moms affects offspring’s mental health
Seasonal light exposure during pregnancy had effects on serotonin and depression that persisted into adulthood in mice. Read MoreMay 14, 2019
Dynamic basement membranes
Basement membranes are important structural and functional components of tissues. New research provides insight into how they repair themselves. Read MoreMay 9, 2019
Blueprint for rebuilding the heart
New findings may speed progress toward programming cells to rebuild damaged hearts more quickly. Read MoreMay 9, 2019
Technology better than tape measure for identifying lymphedema risk
New research by School of Nursing professor Sheila Ridner finds that a special scan measuring lymphatic fluid volume is significantly better than a tape measure at predicting which women undergoing treatment for breast cancer are at risk of developing a common complication resulting from damaged lymph nodes. Read MoreMay 6, 2019
Vanderbilt Nursing professor launches study on therapy animals and children with cancer
Mary Jo Gilmer is piloting new research into the effectiveness of therapy dogs in reducing the anxiety of children with cancer. Read MoreApr 29, 2019
Yohn named Postdoc of the Year at annual symposium; Sappington named Mentor of the Year
Postdoctoral scholars Samantha Yohn and Anneke Sanders and ophthalmology professor Rebecca Sappington were honored by the Graduate School at the 13th Annual Vanderbilt Postdoctoral Association Symposium on April 9. Read MoreApr 22, 2019