Performance artist and sexuality educator Annie Sprinkle to lecture Feb. 17
Performance artist and sexuality educator Annie Sprinkle will give a lecture Thursday, Feb. 17, at 7 p.m. at the Belcourt Theatre located at 2102 Belcourt Ave. Read MoreFeb 9, 2005
Film on energy conservation to be screened at Vanderbilt, Discussion with Kilowatt Ours director Jeff Barrie to follow Feb. 15 screening
A documentary tracing energy consumption in the United States will be screened at Vanderbilt University on Feb. 15, with Nashville filmmaker Jeff Barrie on hand to lead a discussion afterward. Read MoreFeb 9, 2005
Owen School hosts information session on summer business program
An information session on the Vanderbilt Summer Business Institute at the Owen Graduate School of Management will be held on Thursday, Feb. 17, at 5:30 p.m. in the school‘s Averbuch Auditorium. Undergraduate students from area colleges and universities and their parents are invited to learn more about Vanderbilt‘s new summer program at this one-hour event. Read MoreFeb 8, 2005
Vanderbilt lecturer to explore the path to peace, Sharon Welch to speak about new book
In a time of war for the United States, theological ethicist and author Sharon Welch is seeking out philosophies that will lead to enduring peace. Read MoreFeb 8, 2005
Experts in learning disabilities to speak at Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
New findings on how best to identify students with learning disabilities will be presented by Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development members Donald Compton, Doug Fuchs and Lynn Fuchs on Thursday, Feb. 10, at 4 p.m. at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center. Read MoreFeb 8, 2005
Balancing academics and athletics the focus of Vanderbilt symposium
Athletic conference representatives, coaches, athletic directors and academic leaders will gather at Vanderbilt University on Feb. 10 to discuss some of the most contentious issues surrounding college athletics today. Read MoreFeb 7, 2005
The Barber of Seville opens Feb. 18 at Vanderbilt, Student Haas Regen to direct
The Barber of Seville, a landmark play of class consciousness and madcap slapstick, will debut Friday, Feb. 18, at Neely Auditorium on the campus of Vanderbilt University. Read MoreFeb 7, 2005
Noise-making devices to be used to remove some birds at Vanderbilt
After a four-year break, the starlings are back at Vanderbilt, but this time the bird-droppings problem, which can create health hazards, is limited to three areas on campus. Instead of a campus-wide war, a reconnaissance mission to remove the starlings from the problem areas, complete with noise-making devices, will begin Feb. 11 and continue through Feb. 15. Read MoreFeb 7, 2005
Vanderbilt‘s real-life “Indiana Jones” to give public talk on his work and adventures in the Guatemalan jungle
Vanderbilt archaeologist Arthur A. Demarest will give a public lecture on his efforts to restore a Maya royal palace in Guatemala and make it into an ecotourism resort run by the modern-day Maya villagers who live nearby for their economic benefit. The story that Demarest, who is the Ingram Professor of Anthropology, tells interweaves modern science, ancient mysteries and modern politics, including snake pits, death threats, looters and sacred midnight rituals. Read MoreFeb 4, 2005
Vera Kutzinski to speak on literary scholarship
Vera Kutzinski, the new Martha Rivers Ingram Professor of English at Vanderbilt University, will be introduced to the community on Monday, Feb. 14, with an inaugural lecture in the rotunda of the Wyatt Center. Read MoreFeb 4, 2005
Owen School to offer master‘s degree in finance, Application deadline is March 1
The Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management will expand its degree offerings to include a master‘s degree in finance beginning this fall. Read MoreFeb 3, 2005
Refurbished black cultural center celebrated by overflow crowd
The Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center at Vanderbilt University will make Vanderbilt "better and bigger in spirit," said Chancellor Gordon Gee, capping an evening of music, art and celebration to mark the center‘s rededication. Read MoreFeb 2, 2005
Carlos J·uregui of Vanderbilt University wins literary honor
One of Latin America‘s oldest and most prestigious literary awards was won by a professor at Vanderbilt University for his book examining cannibalism as a recurring cultural metaphor. Read MoreFeb 2, 2005
Marsh-dwelling mole gives new meaning to the term fast food
The star-nosed mole gives a whole new meaning to the term "fast food." A study published this week in the journal Nature reveals that this mysterious mole has moves that can put the best magician to shame: The energetic burrower can detect small prey animals and gulp them down with a speed that is literally too fast for the human eye to follow. Read MoreFeb 2, 2005
Celebrated physicist Brian Greene explains ‘The Fabric of the Cosmos‘ at Vanderbilt
Smaller than molecules, smaller than atoms, smaller than the sub-atomic particles that make up atoms — is string. Undetectably small, vibrating loops of string, to be exact. It‘s this string — the smallest of all the building blocks — that composes all matter in the universe, according to Brian Greene, a leading physicist and upcoming speaker in the Chancellor‘s Lecture Series at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreFeb 1, 2005
Sibling gender dynamics expert to speak at Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
How do children‘s relationships with siblings affect their overall social development? Family researcher Susan McHale, professor of human development at Pennsylvania State University, will discuss her research on the impact of sibling relationships on family dynamics at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development Thursday, Feb. 3, at 4 p.m. Read MoreFeb 1, 2005
Former Negro Leagues baseball player Buck O‘Neil to speak at Vanderbilt, Feb. 7 speaker is featured in Ken Burns documentary on baseball
Baseball pioneer Buck O‘Neil will speak about the legacy of the Negro Leagues during a lecture at Vanderbilt University on Monday, Feb. 7, as part of Vanderbilt‘s commemoration of Black History Month. Read MoreFeb 1, 2005
Clinic Devoted to Child Obesity Offers New Treatment Options
A pediatrician at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children‘s Hospital at Vanderbilt has opened a clinic to help families tackle the problem of childhood obesity. Greg Plemmons, M.D., assistant professor of Pediatrics, opened the Weight Management Clinic in December 2004 and immediately had eight referrals. Read MoreJan 28, 2005
Vanderbilt to host town hall meeting on minority issues, Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center sponsors panel on Feb. 3
A panel of Nashville leaders will lead a town hall meeting-style discussion of minority issues on Thursday, Feb. 3, as part of Black History Month events at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreJan 28, 2005
Program for children in state custody recognized as ‘innovative‘
Tennessee‘s TennCare Centers of Excellence (COE) for Children in State Custody has been recognized by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) as being one of the six most innovative programs in the country. Read MoreJan 27, 2005