Vanderbilt Health Care MBA program adds another industry star to faculty, Roberta Goodman to begin teaching in January
Roberta Goodman, a well respected health care analyst, will join the faculty of the Health Care MBA program at the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University in January. A perennial favorite on lists of top analysts in financial publications including the Wall Street Journal and Institutional Investor, Goodman is now a principal with Nashville-based Health Care Analytics, a strategic consulting firm specializing in the health care services industry. Read MoreOct 27, 2005
Vanderbilt research finds U.S. assistance for democracy building works
Devoting American dollars to democracy building in more than 100 foreign nations has resulted in significant increases in democratic governance around the globe, according to a new study by Vanderbilt University and University of Pittsburgh professors. The study was presented Oct. 27 at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. Read MoreOct 27, 2005
Versatile artist Laurie Anderson to appear at Vanderbilt
Laurie Anderson, one of the most versatile and important artists of the last 25 years, will discuss her entire repertoire and current project, "The Waters Reglitterized," on Wednesday, Nov. 16, at Vanderbilt University as part of the Chancellor's Lecture Series. Read MoreOct 26, 2005
Blues book to be celebrated with panel discussion, music
The rescue of the work of three Fisk University scholars who researched the lives and music of people in the Mississippi Delta in the 1940s will be celebrated with a reception, panel discussion and musical performance at Fisk. Read MoreOct 25, 2005
MEDIA ADVISORY: Brazilian monetary policy the topic of the McGee Lecture at Vanderbilt
Marcelo Kfoury Muinhos, head of the research department at the Central Bank of Brazil, will deliver the McGee Lecture on "Monetary Policy in Brazil" on Nov. 3 at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreOct 25, 2005
Two LifeFlight nurses land national awards
Two Vanderbilt LifeFlight nurses have been recognized by their industry peers and been named national flight program director of the year and national flight nurse of the year and were recognized at award ceremonies in Texas held this past week. Read MoreOct 25, 2005
Foundation awards Vanderbilt University grant to fund graduate seminar
The Trustees of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation recently awarded Vanderbilt University a grant of $207,000 to support a dissertation seminar in the humanities entitled "The Souls of Brute and Stupid Things." The seminar, which will be led by English Professor and Mellon Chair of Humanities Jonathan Lamb, is in response to a proposal prepared and submitted to the foundation by Lamb. Read MoreOct 24, 2005
National Public Radio’s award-winning legal correspondent to talk about Supreme Court Nov.10 at Vanderbilt University
Nina Totenberg, National Public Radio's award-winning legal affairs correspondent, will talk about "The Supreme Court and its Impact on You" Thursday, Nov. 10, at 7 p.m. at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreOct 24, 2005
VUSN’s Vine Hill Community Offers VUSN’s Vine Hill Community Clinic Offers Flu Shots and Flu Mist
The Vine Hill Community Clinic, operated by the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing's University Community Health Services, is offering flu shots and FluMist to the general public starting Oct. 24. Read MoreOct 24, 2005
Community presentation to educate residents about using Metro Codes to improve neighborhoods
Nashville residents tired of seeing abandoned vehicles, overgrown lots and dilapidated housing in their neighborhoods will have an opportunity to learn how to take action to clean up these eyesores Tuesday, Oct. 25 at a special presentation on Metro Codes. Read MoreOct 21, 2005
Bluebird on the Mountain concert series features Nichols, Rutherford and Howard
The Bluebird on the Mountain concert series will conclude its successful second year at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29, at Vanderbilt Dyer Observatory with a show featuring Tim Nichols, Rivers Rutherford and Rebecca Lynn Howard. Read MoreOct 21, 2005
Vanderbilt seeks families to participate in study of sleep in children with autism
The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center is recruiting families of children with and without autism to participate in a study of the relationship between sleep patterns and behavior in children with autism. Read MoreOct 21, 2005
‘Getting Out’ premiers Nov. 4 at Vanderbilt, Marsha Norman play follows a convict’s struggles after prison
Getting Out, the story of a woman trying to move on with her life after prison, debuts Nov. 4 at Neely Auditorium at Vanderbilt University. The play was written by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Marsha Norman. Read MoreOct 21, 2005
An ‘evildoer’ by any other name: how labels shape our attitudes toward violence
What difference does it make if a prosecutor describes a defendant as a "murderer" or as "someone who commits murder?" In some cases, those few words could mean the difference between life and death. Read MoreOct 21, 2005
Quantum dots that produce white light could be the light bulb’s successor
Take an LED that produces intense, blue light. Coat it with a thin layer of special microscopic beads called quantum dots. And you have what could become the successor to the venerable light bulb. Read MoreOct 20, 2005
FreshTracksMusic to offer music downloads at Vanderbilt, unlimited use for $36-per-year for faculty, staff and students
Vanderbilt University is the first customer of a new music downloading service that will offer college students and others in the university community downloads of music by independent and unsigned artists at a low subscription fee for unlimited use. Read MoreOct 20, 2005
VCH expert debunks Halloween myths: Costumes pose more danger than candy tampering
In his 22 years working as a Pediatric Emergency Physician, Tom Abramo, M.D., the new Director of Emergency Medicine for the Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital, has seen lots of bags of X-rayed Halloween candy, and he has seen where the danger of Halloween lies: not in the candy. Read MoreOct 17, 2005
BBC radio program “Law in Action” interviews Vanderbilt legal expert Mike Newton on Iraqi Special Tribunal
Mike Newton, acting associate clinical professor of law at Vanderbilt University, is an expert on the Iraqi Special Tribunal and international criminal law. He helped establish the Iraqi Special Tribunal and led the training in international criminal law for its judges, including two sessions in Baghdad. He was interviewed on Oct. 11 by the BBC about the upcoming trial of Saddam Hussein for the U.K.'s longest running legal weekly program, "Law in Action." Read MoreOct 17, 2005
MEDIA ADVISORY: Scopes monkey trial play performed this week in Nashville; Forum on the trial’s controversial legacy will precede Wednesday’s performance
The Great Tennessee Monkey Trial, drawn from the actual transcripts of the 1925 Dayton, Tenn., trial of a public school teacher accused of teaching evolution, will be performed as part of the Great Performances at Vanderbilt series at 8 p.m. on Oct. 19 and 20. The national tour production stars Ed Asner, John de Lancie and Alley Mills. Read MoreOct 17, 2005
Homecoming traffic advisory in Vanderbilt vicinity
Traffic will be heavier than usual around the Vanderbilt University campus Oct. 14 and 15 due to activities surrounding Homecoming/Reunion Weekend. Read MoreOct 14, 2005