MyVU Latest Headlines
Lane closures at 21st Avenue and Edgehill July 25
Electrical work will take place on Wednesday, July 25 at the intersection of 21st Avenue and Edgehill Avenue. Expect lane closures and traffic control. Read MoreJul 23, 2018
My Southern Health: Myths about type 2 diabetes
A diabetes expert sorts myth from fact when it comes to type 2 diabetes. Read MoreJul 20, 2018
My Southern Health: Low-back pain? You’re not alone … at all
Get the scoop on sciatica, one of the most common lower-back pains. Read MoreJul 20, 2018
Blair School of Music offers music lessons, classes and ensembles
From Kindermusik to private lessons in all orchestral and most folk instruments, the Blair School of Music offers a wide array of music-making opportunities to students from birth through adulthood. Read MoreJul 19, 2018
Limited Submission Opportunity: 2018 V Foundation Robin Roberts Cancer Survivorship Research Grant
The V Foundation has established a new initiative in honor of Robin Roberts, which will fund research related to cancer survivorship and reduction of long-term complications of cancer treatment. Read MoreJul 18, 2018
Center for Quantitative Sciences Summer Institute set for Aug. 6-17
Vanderbilt's Center for Quantitative Sciences is offering four courses in August designed to sharpen quantitative research skills and provide methods and tools to deepen understanding in biostatistics and bioinformatics. Read MoreJul 17, 2018
Lyrical Brew: Ciona Rose featuring Rebecca Wells on July 20
The Vanderbilt Bookstore's monthly poetry night, 'Lyrical Brew', will feature noted Nashville poet Ciona Rouse introducing novelist Rebecca Wells reading, discussing, and signing her books, including the best-selling Ya-Ya Sisterhood series. Read MoreJul 16, 2018
My Southern Health: The symptoms of cholangiocarcinoma
The signs of this rare bile-duct cancer typically go unnoticed at first. Here’s what to know. Read MoreJul 13, 2018
My Southern Health: Opioid addiction and pregnancy
Get a primer on these addictive drugs and how they affect pregnant women. Read MoreJul 13, 2018
Vanderbilt engineer to participate in NAE’s Frontiers of Engineering symposium
Brett Byram, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, has been selected to take part in the National Academy of Engineering’s 24th annual U.S. Frontiers of Engineering symposium Sept. 5-7 in Lexington, Massachusetts. Read MoreJul 13, 2018
‘Developing Community Partnerships to Establish an Intergenerational Community Garden Program’ July 13
With partnership development mini-grant funding from the Meharry-Vanderbilt Community Engaged Research Core, Barbara Canada and Sam Gannon formed a community-academic research collaboration with local Nashville churches to establish an intergenerational community garden program. The team will share how they built the program through meetings with community members to inform program development, gain community support, and engage additional community partners. Read MoreJul 11, 2018
TDOT to hold informational meeting on I-440 reconstruction July 10
The Tennessee Department of Transportation will hold a public information meeting on Tuesday, July 10, to provide details on the upcoming I-440 reconstruction project in Davidson County. Read MoreJul 9, 2018
Section of 24th Avenue closed for maintenance
Underground telecommunications work on 24th Ave to the south of Vanderbilt Place will begin July 9 and continue through the first week of August. Read MoreJul 9, 2018
Limited submission opportunity: 2018 Greenwall Faculty Scholars
VU and VUMC (combined) may nominate up to 2 faculty for the Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics. These three-year career development awards enable junior faculty members to carry out innovative bioethics research that goes beyond current work in bioethics and whose research will have an impact on public policy, biomedical research, or clinical practice. Read MoreJul 3, 2018
Limited submission opportunity: Simons Investigators: Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems (MMLS)
Vanderbilt may nominate up to 2 faculty members for the Simons Foundation Investigator Program in Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems (MMLS). Investigators in MMLS are outstanding scientists, often with mathematics or theoretical physics backgrounds, now engaged in research based on mathematical modeling in the life sciences. Read MoreJul 3, 2018
Limited submission opportunity: Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Scholars
The Johnson & Johnson WiSTEM2D Scholars Program aims to fuel the development of female STEM²D leaders and feed the STEM²D talent pipeline by awarding and sponsoring women at critical points in their research careers, in each of the STEM²D disciplines: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Manufacturing and Design. Read MoreJul 3, 2018
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program seeks ‘Friendship Families’ for International Leaders
Vanderbilt’s Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is looking for Friendship Families for International Fellows during the 2018-2019 academic year. Read MoreJul 3, 2018
Nominations for Vanderbilt Prize Student Scholar now open for female graduate students in biomedical sciences
Nominations for the Vanderbilt Prize Student Scholar are now open for female graduate students in the biomedical sciences. The deadline is Monday, Aug. 13, 2018, at 5 p.m. Read MoreJul 2, 2018
Changes to SkyVU support contact information effective July 1
Effective July 1, in an effort to ensure timely support, submitting a ticket on the SkyVU website will no longer be required. Instead, directly contact the department that oversees the function about the issue. Read MoreJul 2, 2018
Development staff gathers for day of service at West Nashville Dream Center
More than 50 DAR staff volunteered June 18 to help the West Nashville Dream Center pack up for its move to a new location. Read MoreJun 29, 2018