MyVU Latest Headlines
‘Using Community Health Workers to Reduce Breast Health Disparities’ Oct. 5
"Using Community Health Workers to Reduce Breast Health Disparities" is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 5, from 8:30 to 10 a.m. sponsored by the Meharry-Vanderbilt Community Engaged Research Core. Read MoreSep 23, 2018
October is Depression Awareness Month; take the online self-assessment
October is Depression Awareness Month. It serves as a reminder that clinical depression is a common medical illness affecting more than 16 million adults in the United States each year. Like screenings for other illnesses, depression screenings should be a routine part of health care. Read MoreSep 23, 2018
Occupational Health offers online animal allergy screening
Did you know that researchers who work with animals run the risk of developing allergies to them? Occupational Health conducts screenings to identify people who are starting to develop allergies to their animals and can intervene to protect the worker from overexposure and prevent asthma. Read MoreSep 23, 2018
March for Black Women in STEM Oct. 13
The second annual March for Black Women in STEM is scheduled from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 13. The march starts at the front steps of the Wyatt Center and will travel to Alumni Hall. Read MoreSep 23, 2018
Memorial service for emerita VUSN professor Virginia George set for Oct. 8
A memorial service for Virginia Maxwell George will be Monday, Oct. 8, at the School of Nursing. Read MoreSep 23, 2018
Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion addresses USAC
USAC welcomed James Page, Jr., vice chancellor for equity, diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer, at its September 2018 meeting. Read MoreSep 20, 2018
School of Nursing construction to temporarily close 21st Ave. S. sidewalk
Pedestrians should use the Wesley Place/University School of Nashville side of 21st Avenue S. and cross using the crosswalks at Scarritt Place and Edgehill Avenue. Read MoreSep 20, 2018
What you need to know about the 2018-19 flu season
William Schaffner, M.D., professor of Preventive Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, explains vaccination timing is important, especially for certain individuals. Read MoreSep 20, 2018
Nashville Chalk Fest to benefit Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center
Nashville Chalk Fest is a free, two-day street painting festival with entertainment, food and family fun featuring sidewalk chalk art by professional artists, hobbyists and art enthusiasts from across the country. Read MoreSep 19, 2018
Executive Education: The best leaders never stop learning
Continue to develop yourself and your leadership abilities with our three- day Executive Leadership program, taught by leadership expert Dick Daft. Read MoreSep 19, 2018
Teens with and without autism needed for VUMC study
The SENSE Lab invites children 10-13 years of age with ASD and children with typical development to take part in a NIMH-funded study that examines stress and social functioning across pubertal development. Read MoreSep 18, 2018
25th Avenue parking and traffic closures begin Sept. 24
To accommodate necessary storm sewer pipe replacement, parking and traffic will be altered or closed along 25th Ave. starting Sept. 24. Read MoreSep 18, 2018
Wilkerson appointed assistant dean for young professional programs at Owen School
Eric Johnson, Ralph Owen Dean and Bruce D. Henderson Professor of Strategy, announced the appointment of Cherrie Wilkerson as assistant dean for young professional programs at Vanderbilt’s Owen Graduate School of Management. Read MoreSep 17, 2018
Executive Education: Persuade and influence with confidence
Become a better persuader and influencer with our upcoming program Persuasive and Influential Speaking running Nov. 1-2. Vanderbilt employees receive a 20 percent discount with the code COMP20. Read MoreSep 17, 2018
FEMA cell phone alert scheduled for Oct. 3
In recognition of National Preparedness Month, the Federal Emergency Management Agency will perform a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alert on Oct. 3. Read MoreSep 17, 2018
Nominations sought for Levi Watkins Jr. awards; annual lecture set for Oct. 9
Nominations are now being sought by the School of Medicine for the annual Levi Watkins Jr. Faculty Award and Levi Watkins Jr. Student Awards. The school also announces details of the 17th Annual Levi Watkins Jr., M.D. Lecture by Gary H. Gibbons, director of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health. Read MoreSep 16, 2018
LSO: 2019 ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards
Vanderbilt (VU and VUMC combined) can nominate up to two assistant professors for the 2018 Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards, sponsored by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). The awards provide seed money for research intended to enrich the research and professional growth of young faculty. Read MoreSep 16, 2018
VUIT offers tips on using Microsoft’s EOP to quarantine spam
To protect Vanderbilt’s email systems, all incoming emails are processed through Microsoft’s Exchange Online Protection (EOP) engine. This service includes a quarantine that captures emails that Microsoft determines to be spam and holds the suspected spam for 15 days before purging. Read MoreSep 16, 2018
Executive Education: How to create value in health care
Strategies for Value-Based Health Care is a unique, one-and-a-half-day program and partnership between Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center that emphasizes both patient and business outcomes in health care. Read MoreSep 16, 2018
Free virtual fair for public health degree programs Sept. 20
The Vanderbilt Master of Public Health Program will participate in the This Is Public Health Virtual Fair, a free online recruitment event, on Thursday, Sept. 20. Read MoreSep 13, 2018