
Owen School is popular transitional stop for veterans

People with military backgrounds fit comfortably into Vanderbilt’s EMBA and MBA programs, with eight to 12 military students usually part of a typical class of 50 to 60 students. Read More

Vanderbilt students named 2014 Goldwater winners

Three Vanderbilt students have been recognized in this year’s Goldwater Scholars competition. The scholarship is the premier undergraduate award of its type for the fields of mathematics, the natural sciences and engineering. Read More

Irish contemporary storyteller to perform at Vanderbilt

Dynamic storyteller Clare Murphy returns to Vanderbilt April 1 for a free performance sponsored by the Vanderbilt Department of English. Read More

Shifting evolution into reverse promises cheaper, greener way to make new drugs

By shifting evolution into reverse to produce an expensive HIV drug out of a simple sugar, Vanderbilt chemist Brian Bachmann has shown that it may be possible to manufacture exotic and expensive synthetic drugs as easily as brewing beer. Read More

VUCast: See why this giant helicopter is the first step in creating a massive lab

See what a Vanderbilt researcher is doing with a military helicopter in his lab, and hear the first-ever Vanderbilt Star. All this and more in the latest VUCast, Vanderbilt's online newscast. Watch now. Read More

Wellcast: Helping children develop healthy eating habits

Listen to the new Health and Wellness Wellcast, Helping children develop healthy eating habits, featuring Jessica Bennett, a dietician with the Vanderbilt Nutrition Clinic. Read More

Vandy Cooks with Chef Majid ‘Magic’ Noori March 28

Chef Majid "Magic" Noori (Vanderbilt) Join Vanderbilt Athletics’ Chef Majid “Magic” Noori to learn how to create healthy foods for game day parties and… Read More

Wear your sneakers to work for National Walking Day

Vanderbilt will observe National Walking Day April 2 with a 20-minute group walk led by senior leaders from Medical Center North to Library Lawn. Read More

Check out these Trans* Pride Days events

The Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Life at Vanderbilt is hosting a series of events to mark Trans* Pride Days April 3-9. Read More

Call for grant review panel members for community engaged research project

The Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance is seeking reviewers for its 15-year anniversary grants, which include partnership development and community-engaged research pilot grants. Read More

Next Safe Zone workshop is April 8

A Safe Zone Workshop at Vanderbilt will take place on Tuesday, April 8, 9 a.m.-noon in Sarratt 189. Read More

Electric “thinking cap” controls learning speed

Vanderbilt psychologists show it is possible to selectively manipulate our ability to learn through the application of a mild electrical current to the brain, and that this effect can be enhanced or depressed depending on the direction of the current. Read More

Renoir and Munch subjects of Goldberg Lecture March 27

"Night in St. Cloud," Edvard Munch, 1890. (Nasjonalgalleriet) S. Hollis Clayson, the 2013-14 Samuel H. Kress Professor at the National Gallery of Art‘s Center… Read More

SECURITY NOTICE: Burglary on campus

On March 20 at 2:50 p.m., Vanderbilt University Police Department was notified by a staff member at the Village at Vanderbilt commercial building that an… Read More

Message from Provost Richard McCarty

March 20, 2014 To members of the Vanderbilt community: Last week, members of our campus community were shocked to confront a phrase associated with Nazi… Read More

Harry Potter-themed psychology class travels to England

Harry Potter was the theme of a unique undergraduate psychology class taught by two Vanderbilt professors in Oxford, England over spring break, March 1-9. Read More

Peabody professor urges attracting and retaining gifted students from different cultures

Black and Hispanic students make up an increasing percentage of U.S. school children. Yet in virtually every school district, they are underrepresented in gifted classes and programs, often because they are not identified as gifted. Those who do enter such programs often fail to complete them.   Read More

Top-rated IRIS Center provides trusted resources for educators

In January, a panel of independent reviewers evaluated the quality, relevance and usefulness of the products of 14 of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs’ (OSEP) national centers funded in 2006–2007. The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements (IRIS II) ranked second, missing the top spot by only .08 points. Read More

TIPSHEET: Experts available to discuss reauthorization of the Higher Education Act

Experts from Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of education and human development are available to discuss issues related to the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in 2014. Read More

Celebration of Learning will highlight products of student learning

Vanderbilt's Center for Teaching will hold a Celebration of Learning April 21 to highlight students and the products of their learning experiences in courses at Vanderbilt this year. Read More