Play Healthcare Bluebook Trivia for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card

Did you know that health care costs in the United States are among the highest in the world? Did you know that in-network prices for the same procedure can vary by more than 500%, depending on the facility you choose?  

Healthcare Bluebook is an online price comparison tool for health care services, such as imaging, elective surgeries and more. The tool ranks providers in a given geographical area in terms of quality and affordability. Healthcare Bluebook allows you to shop for procedures, compare facilities and their pricing, and find the best quality for medical services—all while saving money. 

Play Bluebook Trivia to test your knowledge and learn how you can use Healthcare Bluebook to find the best provider in your area for hundreds of procedures. Available between Sept. 12 and Sept. 26, participants are entered for a chance to win one of four $50 Amazon gift cards. 

>>>>Click here to play! 

With Healthcare Bluebook, you could save hundreds—potentially thousands—of dollars on care with a simple search. Discover dramatic price differences on medical care and how much you can save by using the online tool.