Vanderbilt University has honored 33 retiring faculty members for their years of service by bestowing upon them the title of emerita or emeritus faculty. Additionally, four outgoing deans were honored for their service as deans. They were recognized during Vanderbilt’s Commencement ceremony on May 12.
A faculty member who has served the university with distinction over a period of years and whose status remains active until retirement, may, upon recommendation of the appropriate dean and the chancellor, be awarded the title “emeritus” or “emerita” by the Board of Trust.
Read more about Vanderbilt’s emeritus and emerita professors and deans for 2023.
David Blackbourn
Cornelius Vanderbilt Distinguished Chair in History Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of History
Peter T. Cummings
John R. Hall Chair in Chemical Engineering Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Idit Dobbs-Weinstein
Professor Emerita of Philosophy
Kathryn M. Edwards
Professor Emerita of Pediatrics
Lynn E. Enterline
Nancy Perot Chair Emerita and Professor Emerita of English
Philippe M. Fauchet
Bruce and Bridgitt Evans Dean of Engineering Emeritus
Leonard Folgarait
Distinguished Professor of History of Art and Architecture Emeritus
Robin P. Fountain
Professor Emeritus of Conducting
William R. Fowler
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology
Douglas H. Fuchs
Nicholas Hobbs Chair in Special Education and Human Development Emeritus
Lynn S. Fuchs
Dunn Family Chair in Psychoeducational Assessment Emerita
David Jon Furbish
Professor Emeritus of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Lesley Gill
Professor Emerita of Anthropology
Thomas A. Golper
Professor Emeritus of Medicine
Raymond M. Hakim
Professor Emeritus of Medicine
David Richmond Head
Professor Emeritus of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
J. Harold Helderman
Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Nancy Lea Hyer
Associate Professor Emerita of Production Management
M. Eric Johnson
Ralph Owen Dean Emeritus
Lawrence J. Marnett
Dean Emeritus of the School of Medicine Basic Sciences
Owen Patrick McGuinness
Professor Emeritus of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
Bonnie M. Miller
Professor Emerita of Medical Education and Administration
Kelly Oliver
W. Alton Jones Chair Emerita and Professor Emerita of Philosophy
Lucius Turner Outlaw
W. Alton Jones Chair Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
Ann H. Price
Associate Professor Emerita of Medical Education and Administration
Stephen P. Raffanti
Professor Emeritus of Medicine
David S. Raiford
Senior Associate Dean Emeritus for Faculty Affairs for Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Medical Education and Administration
Norman H. Tolk
Professor Emeritus of Physics
Emilie M. Townes
Dean Emerita of the Divinity School
Georgene L. Troseth
Professor Emerita of Psychology and Human Development
Steven T. Tschantz
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Constantine Tsinakis
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Cindy L. Vnencak-Jones
Professor Emerita of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
Elizabeth E. Weiner
Professor Emerita of Biomedical Informatics
David A. Weintraub
Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and Director Emeritus of the Communication of Science, Engineering and Technology
Mark Wollaeger
Professor Emeritus of English
(b. Feb. 19, 1957–d. Feb. 19, 2023)
Nicholas S. Zeppos
University Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus and University Distinguished Professor of Political Science Emeritus