Vanderbilt Microbiome Initiative offers analytics workshop Sept. 14-15

The Vanderbilt Microbiome Initiative will conduct a two-day workshop to introduce scientists to microbiome analytics Sept. 14-15.

The workshop will be held from noon to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 14, and from noon to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 15, via Zoom.

The Vanderbilt Microbiome Initiative 2021 workshop series introduces participants to the Qiime 2 microbiome analytics workflow and web-based visual tools to study and investigate the microbiome. This new, two-day workshop will include an introduction to experimental fundamentals and concepts and feature hands-on introductory analysis using both QIIME 2 and the easy-to-use web-based MicrobiomeAnalyst.

The workshop is designed for researchers and clinicians who wish to incorporate microbiome sampling into their research, and it assumes little prior knowledge of microbiomes, computer coding or next-generation sequencing (command-line experience is advantageous but not required). The workshop will be split over two days, with day one focused on using Qiime 2, and day two focused on the web-based tool MicrobiomeAnalyst.

New and previous participants are welcome to register for either or both days of the workshop, but priorty will be given to VU/VUMC applicants.

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will understand the factors that go into designing a microbiome study. Hands-on tutorials will provide participants with the confidence to take raw sequencing data through command-line quality control and processing, to test fundamental biological or clinical hypotheses with easy-to-use web-based tools, and to critically interpret results. Further, the aim is for participants to appreciate the ethical implications of microbiome research in humans and have a better understanding of VMI-related microbiome resources available both within and outside of Vanderbilt.

To register, please send your name, title, school and department to Rob Markowitz, If only registering for a single day, please include the date in the request.