Vanderbilt releases remote and hybrid work policy and toolkit for managers, employees

A university working group has developed a remote and hybrid work policy for staff whose positions are eligible based on business needs. The policy is gradually being rolled out across participating units on campus.

A toolkit for remote and hybrid work for managers and employees is available and highlights topics related to implementing the policy, ranging from logistics, equipment and technology to communication, work/life integration and building community. The full policy and toolkit can be found on the Human Resources website.

Under the policy, remote and hybrid work arrangements and flexible scheduling may be used to allow eligible staff members to fulfill some or all of their duties from an off-campus location. Business or work units are responsible for determining if positions are eligible to be remote or hybrid based on the unit’s operational and business needs.

Staff members may be considered for remote or hybrid work only if their position is eligible, their manager agrees that hybrid or remote work is appropriate for the individual, and they have completed an attestation of the business- or work unit-level policy in Oracle.

The frequency of required on-campus work for a particular position will vary across the university. Regardless of hybrid or remote work arrangements, staff members may be required to work from campus at any time at the sole discretion of their manager. Expectations for timely completion of work and for meeting performance criteria, including attendance, responsiveness and other criteria, are the same for remote, hybrid and on-campus staff members.

All remote and hybrid work arrangements should be evaluated on an ongoing and periodic basis. The university also plans to conduct periodic assessments and share best practices based on feedback from participating staff.

This policy applies to all staff, except union members covered by a collective bargaining agreement.