Human Resources announces new career and compensation framework

Vanderbilt University Human Resources is excited to announce the development of a new career and compensation framework for employees.

The People and Engagement group within HR initiated an effort last fall to develop—in partnership with a cross-functional advisory group and campus stakeholders—a new career and compensation framework. The effort was based on feedback from employees, campus leaders and listening sessions co-hosted by the Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and HR. The new framework sets out to create tools, resources and a data structure that benefits the university, its staff and leadership in a number of ways:

  • Being highly transparent and supported by guides, tools and a dedicated website;
  • Designed to support career growth, advancement and internal mobility;
  • Connected to a market-linked pay structure that will be updated biennially;
  • Developed to better enable Vanderbilt to recruit, retain and reward talent;
  • Serves as the new foundational structure for data in Oracle HCM;
  • Creates an opportunity to deliver new, dynamic and robust employee learning and organizational effectiveness resources and programs;
  • Enables meaningful reviews of internal equity to support equity, diversity and inclusion and equal ppportunity and access efforts.
  • The new career and compensation framework organizes job-related details in a meaningful and clear way to provide career progression; provides resources to support the professional growth of staff and allow for better career management; and creates opportunities to increase engagement, satisfaction and retention.

“After nearly 12 months of outstanding efforts by our campus partners, feedback from the campus community, and a lot of hard work by our compensation and organizational effectiveness team, we are delighted to be able to introduce this new set of resources to the Vanderbilt community,” said Erik Smetana, executive director for people and engagement. “We share the ongoing goal to position Vanderbilt as an employer of choice, and that starts with being competitive in the market and building a career framework to support all of our staff as they work to achieve their unique career goals.”

Last spring, Vanderbilt University Information Technology partnered with HR to implement an initial pilot program based on early efforts to redesign the university’s career and compensation program. This was followed by continuous collaborative efforts between HR, colleges, schools and divisional leaders and unit-based HR professionals to fully realize the framework.

In November, a second pilot in partnership with the Law School, School of Medicine (Pod 3), School of Nursing, Audit and Risk, Office of General Counsel, Business Services, School of Engineering, Division of Communications and Human Resources will go live, with full implementation across the campus community anticipated for February 2021.

Over the next several weeks, the Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness team will host information sessions outlining the new framework and addressing any questions and concerns that staff may have. Please watch for more articles to come regarding specific dates and times for these information sessions.