Ideas in Action – Thought Leaders

Peabody faculty members frequently contribute ideas to public discourse about education and human development. Here is a selection of recent faculty appearances in popular media.

U.S. News & World Report
Anjali Forber-Pratt, assistant professor of human and organizational development, on accommodations for students with disabilities taking college courses online.

The Week
Justine Bruyère, adjunct lecturer, on prioritizing the social-emotional needs of students during the pandemic.

Reader’s Digest
Elizabeth Self, assistant professor of the practice of teaching and learning, on rapid changes in how we do schooling and how schools are likely to look different due to COVID-19.

The Christian Science Monitor
Joseph F. Murphy, Frank W. Mayborn Professor of Education, on trends in homeschooling due to COVID-19.

Lisa Fazio, assistant professor of psychology, on why people believe COVID-19 conspiracies.

Georgene Troseth, associate professor of psychology, on how very young children cognize video chat.

Joseph Rodgers, Lois Autrey Betts Chair in Psychology, on teenage dating during the pandemic.

Yahoo! Life
Sean P. Corcoran, associate professor of public policy and education, on President Trump’s threats to cut funding for schools that would not reopen.

Bruce Compas, Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Psychology and Human Development, on how expressing gratitude during a time of pandemic can help you feel less helpless.

Ebony O. McGee, associate professor of teaching and learning, on the implications of tenure clock freezes and the inability to conduct research on faculty of color.

USA Today
Bethany Rittle-Johnson, Antonio M. and Anita S. Gotto Chair in Child Development, on the challenges to parents of trying to homeschool during the pandemic.