What’s new in the Health Plus Health Guide

The Health Plus Health Guide is the portal that leads you to gold—Go for the Gold! The newest improvements to the portal include:

Compass Health Assessment gender options. Step 1 of Go for the Gold, the Compass Health Assessment, includes a new gender identity question. The question asks the respondent to select what gender they identify with. Responses will include male, female, transgender, none of the above, and prefer not to answer. This change is to ensure that the assessment continues to ask inclusive and holistic health assessment questions. All consumers will see the question and will have the option to skip it. The gender question will not affect recommendations. The assessment will continue to capture the respondent’s sex at birth as a required question. The sex-at-birth question asks the respondent to select what sex is indicated on their birth certificate. This is to guide the rest of the questions in the health assessment and takes into account the respondent’s genetics and health.

A new, cleaner look. Summer is a great time to freshen things up, and that’s exactly what occurred with the portal’s digital experience. The enhanced experience doesn’t change any functionality, but it updates the look and feel of the site.

Refresh of wellness actions. Completing four of the six wellness actions in Step 2 of Go for the Gold, the Wellness Actions Log, is easy with the refresh button. After completing each action, click the “refresh” button at the top right side of the page to earn the action. Once you have earned four actions, you have completed Step 2 of Go for the Gold.

Health Plus is part of Faculty and Staff Health and Wellness. The Health Plus mission is to advance healthy lifestyle practices for faculty and staff.