Did you know that Vanderbilt University employees can sign up for a number of training workshops that can help with their professional development?
The Human Resources Learning and Organizational Development team conducts planned workshops to help increase employees’ effectiveness at work in a number of areas. If you’re struggling to understand your work environment or are finding roadblocks in communication, the LOD team encourages you to check out some of the workshops that are available.
- Crucial Conversations
- Dealing with Change
- Workplace Communication Skills (communication styles, generational styles, assertiveness and more)
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Workshop: Understanding and Using Your Type to Enhance Worklife
- Peer Interviewing
“The encouragement provided by the instructor to actively engage and practice the concepts was extremely beneficial to me. The topic is essential to my job, so training was meaningful,” a Crucial Conversations participant said.
Communication is a key factor when working in a complex and fast-moving environment, and sometimes it can be difficult to effectively get your point across during critical conversations. The next installment of Workplace Communication Skills will be offered on Thursday, May 4. This workshop will help you dial in on effective ways to communicate and overcome roadblocks to formulating the best methods for sharing your ideas.
Go to the Learning and Organizational Development workshop page to find the list of courses open to all staff as well as the links to sign up.
Call 615-322-8320, or email clair.brigman@vanderbilt.edu.