Celebrate National Farmers’ Market Week Aug. 2–8 when you visit the Vanderbilt Farmers’ Market on Thursday, Aug. 6, from 3 to 6 p.m. Grab a free reusable bag and lots of recipes and participate in a host of activities.
The Vanderbilt Farmers’ Market takes place every Thursday through October. This year, find it at a new location at the corner of Blakemore and 21st avenues.
Also check out these Nashville Farmers’ Market events:
- Aug. 3: Look for the green “LOCAL” signs, which indicate which merchants are sourcing or cross-sourcing ingredients straight from Farm Shed farmers into their products.
- Aug. 4: Pick up fresh recipes that use local ingredients and celebrate the flavors of the season beginning at 10 a.m.
- Aug. 7: Visit the Market House restaurants and shops, which will be open until 8 p.m.
- Aug. 8: Enjoy various Kids Corner activities from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., including showing your gratitude with the “Thank a Farmer” thank you note-writing event.
You also can pick up a free reusable bag and enjoy music and yoga at the Richland Park Farmers’ Market beginning at 9 a.m. Aug. 6. For a complete listing of farmers’ markets throughout the state, visit the Pick Tennessee Products Farmers’ Market page.
Sourcing your food from local sources, such as farmers’ markets or CSAs, has many benefits, including:
- Access to fresh, seasonal produce that is picked at its peak nutrient load;
- Reducing transportation costs and emissions associated with non-local produce;
- Cultivating a relationship between growers and consumers;
- Supporting the local economy; and
- Promoting farmland, local farmers and their families.
For more information, visit the Sustain VU website, contact sustainvu@vanderbilt.edu or call (615) 322-9022.