Employees can earn up to $2,500 for referring an R.N. or L.P.N. through Vanderbilt’s Referral Bonus Program now through Aug. 1. According to the program, Vanderbilt will pay:
- $2,500 to an employee who successfully refers an R.N. with a B.S.N. degree and at least one year of prior experience for a full-time (.75 FTE) nursing position. The referring employee will receive $1,250 after the nurse has been employed 90 days and another $1,250 after the nurse has worked at Vanderbilt for one year.
- $1,000 to an employee who successfully refers an L.P.N. The referring employee will receive $500 after the L.P.N. has been employed 90 days and another $500 after the LPN has worked at Vanderbilt for one year.
The referral program runs from May 12 to Aug. 1, 2014. See the program website for full details and eligibility guidelines.
Human Resources will prioritize referred R.N./L.P.N. candidates, and they will be contacted quickly. The candidate needs to include the name of their referral source, as listed in People Finder, on the application.
Friends make the best co-workers. Research shows that employee referral programs help us recruit higher caliber nurses than some other strategies.
Contact the Employee Service Center at human.resources@vanderbilt.edu or (615) 343-7000.