Leonard Bickman was named professor of psychology, emeritus.
Vera A. Stevens Chatman was named professor of human and organizational development, emerita. Chatman will also be inducted into the Academy for Women of Achievement by the YWCA of Nashville and Middle Tennessee and First Tennessee.
Sun-Joo Cho, assistant professor of psychology, has received a National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship.
David S. Cordray was named professor of psychology, emeritus.
Robert L. Crowson, Jr., professor of leadership, policy and organizations, received word that he will be awarded the Roald F. Campbell Lifetime Achievement Award from the University Council for Educational Administration.
Laurie Cutting, Patricia and Rodes Hart Chair, has been invited to present the Norman Geschwind Memorial Lecture at the International Dyslexia Association annual conference.
David K. Dickinson, professor of education, is serving on the Early Literacy Expert Panel for the Center for Best Practices of the National Governors Association.
Paul R. Dokecki was named professor of psychology and human and organizational development, emeritus.
Andrew Finch was promoted to associate professor of the practice of human and organizational development.
Stella Flores, assistant professor of public policy and higher education, was recognized by The Review of Higher Education for having its most downloaded article for the 2010-11 and 2011-12 academic years with “State Dream Acts: The Effect of In-State Resident Tuition Policies and Undocumented Latino Students.”

Jason Grissom, assistant professor of public policy and education, and Lael Keiser, won the 2013 L. Douglas Wilder Award for Scholarship in Social Equity and Public Policy, given by the National Academy of Public Administration and the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Mary Louise Hemmeter was promoted to professor of special education.
Gary Henry was named Patricia and Rodes Hart Chair of Public Policy and Education.
Brian Heuser, assistant professor of the practice of public policy and education, has been selected by the Institute for International Education for the third straight year to be a panelist for its Boren Fellowships Program.
Kathleen V. Hoover-Dempsey was named professor of psychology, emerita. She also received the David Schleyer Faculty Award recognizing her contributions in the service of students.
Carolyn Hughes was named professor of special education, emerita.
Ann Kaiser, Susan Gray Professor of Education and Human Development, received the Mary McEvoy Service to the Field Award from the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children.
Velma McBride Murry, Betts Chair of Education and Human Development, received the Society for Research in Child Development’s 2013 award for Distinguished Contributions to Cultural and Contextual Factors in Child Development.
Kristopher Preacher, assistant professor of psychology, won the Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contributions to Psychology from the American Psychological Association.
Monique Robinson-Wright, assistant dean for student affairs, was reappointed to the National Advisory Committee of the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity.

Joseph Rodgers was named an American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow. Rodgers was also appointed Lois Autrey Betts Professor of Education and Human Development.
Howard M. Sandler was named professor of psychology, emeritus.
Sharon L. Shields, associate dean for professional education, won the 2013 R. Tait McKenzie Award from the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
Marybeth Shinn, professor human, organizational, and community development, won the Seymour Sarason Award from the Society for Community Research and Action.
Thomas M. Smith, associate professor of public policy and education, received the Peabody Award for Excellence in Mentoring.
Barbara Stengel, professor of the practice of education, served as president of the Philosophy of Education Society.
Leigh Wadsworth was promoted to senior lecturer in psychology.
Mark Wolery was named professor of special education, emeritus.
Paul Yoder, professor of special education, received the 2013 Research Award from the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.