Families with a household income of less than $57,000 for 2012 qualify for free tax preparation assistance through a partnership with United Way of Metropolitan Nashville. VITA, or Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, is a nationwide program operated by IRS-certified volunteers.
VITA does not provide tax preparation assistance for international persons who are classified as “non-resident aliens for tax purposes” and who need to file a 1040-NR or 1040 NR-EZ. Please contact the Vanderbilt International Office for more information.
VITA operates on Tuesdays from 4 to 8 p.m. in Sarratt 331, and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon in Sarratt 325/327 on the dates listed below. Please call 2-1-1 to confirm site hours and volunteer availability.
Feb. 16 – Saturday
Feb. 19 – Tuesday
Feb. 23 – Saturday
March 12 – Tuesday
March 16 – Saturday
March 19 – Tuesday
March 23 – Saturday
March 26 – Tuesday
April 2 – Tuesday
April 6 – Saturday
April 9 – Tuesday
What to bring:
- Photo ID for adults (required) – both adults must be present if filing a joint return.
- Social Security Cards or ITINs (required) – for all family members going on the return.
- Proof of Income (required) – W2s, 1099, disability year-end statement (SSA, VA, insurance, etc.) interest income, etc.
- Proof of Expenses (optional for additional credits/deductions) – child care expense statements, medical expenses, property tax statement, etc.
- Direct Deposit Refunds (optional) – checkbook with routing number and account number for direct deposit refund.
The 2013 deadline for filing a federal income tax return is Monday, April 15.
Contact: Tina He