Changes to Go for the Gold for 2011

Completing Go for the Gold yearly will help you evaluate your current lifestyle, identify health risks, and decide where and how to make improvements. Use the personal recommendations you get to set your own goals based on what is important to you.

What can you expect this year?

  • A revised Wellness Actions Log (WAL). The big change you will notice relates to the Wellness Categories Weight, Physical Activity and Blood Pressure, which require participation in Health Plus programs, specifically Know Your Numbers and Start!.

Health Plus provides Know Your Numbers locations for individuals on the main campus and at off-site locations, and for departments by request. Learn more.

Be sure to view the WAL soon, so you have plenty of time to complete it. Remember, you only need to complete 7 out of the 10 categories to get credit for completing the WAL.

A new Game Plan for Your Health video focusing on prevention, with a playful twist.

A wellness credit of up to $240 per year is available to faculty and staff paying for Vanderbilt Health Plan benefits.  Get the Quick Facts about the Wellness Credit.

To request help:  Contact Health Plus or call 343-8943.

Deadline: Oct. 31, 2011.

Go for the Gold is a Faculty/Staff Health & Wellness program.