Video: “Historic Uncertainties and New Opportunities in Funding American Higher Education”

Watch “Historic Uncertainties and new Opportunities in Funding American Higher Education,” a talk by Michael K. McLendon, Associate Dean and Chief of Staff and Associate Professor of Public Policy and Higher Education at Peabody College, Vanderbilt University.

Higher education in the United States faces historic challenges — and new opportunities. How will dramatic shifts in public funding of higher education, the rise of market-oriented public policies for colleges and universities, and the recent economic crisis help shape a future for American higher education that is notably different from its recent past? What may these changes hold for institutions, for the students who attend them, and for society overall?

This talk was part of Commencement Study Breaks – Senior Day learning sessions for our guests, conducted by Vanderbilt faculty members.

Contact: Princine Lewis (615) 322-NEWS