New staff orientation format launches July 1

New employee orientation (Vanderbilt)

New staff orientation has been redesigned to ensure new hires get the right learning material in ways that are best suited to applying it on the job.

There will be separate sessions for university central and Medical Center staff to accommodate the unique needs and requirements of both organizations.

To learn about updates for the Medical Center, click here.

Updates for University Central beginning July 1:

  • The Organizational Effectiveness team will enroll staff starting July 1 or later for orientation. Managers should submit their new hires’ information using an online form.
  • Benefits information should be reviewed online before new hires start work. Links will be included in offer and welcome letters and orientation confirmation messages.
  • Updated classroom orientation events will be held every Monday from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with time afterward to ask questions about benefits programs.
  • Compliance items will be assigned to staff through the Learning Exchange to be completed online.
  • Sessions will be held on the 5th floor of the 2525 West End building, unless otherwise noted in confirmation messages.
  • VUnetIDs can be claimed online by new hires 48 hours after PAFs are processed – no need to wait for an invitation.
  • Parking permits can be ordered online prior to orientation.

Contact: Employee Service Center, (615) 343-7000