Robert Dittus
New center to explore best trauma care practices
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, through the Institute for Medicine and Public Health (IMPH), Center for Health Services Research and the Department of Emergency Medicine, has established a new Center for Emergency Care Research and Innovation (CERI) to help determine the best care for patients who experience trauma or require emergency services — even before they get to the hospital. Read MoreJun 7, 2018
Heart disease incidence down for men in Tennessee
There's good and bad news in the new Tennessee Men's Health Report Card. Read MoreJun 14, 2017
Forum highlights research achievements
Communication and collaboration were major themes of the inaugural Research Enterprise Forum sponsored jointly by Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) and Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (VUSM) Feb. 3 in Light Hall. Read MoreFeb 9, 2017
Dittus named to AHRQ’s National Advisory Council
Robert Dittus, M.D., MPH, Executive Vice President, Public Health and Health Care for Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), has been named to the National Advisory Council of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Read MoreOct 6, 2016
Policy Prescriptions: Melinda Buntin Brings Washington Expertise to Vanderbilt’s Department of Health Policy
With a greater focus on how the health care system functions, particularly in the wake of the 2009 Affordable Care Act, Vanderbilt has adjusted its own research and teaching programs surrounding public health and health policy. Read MoreMay 12, 2016
Owen and School of Medicine leaders co-chair international conference on analytics in health care July 29-31
Experts from Owen, Vanderbilt School of Medicine and Vanderbilt University Medical Center will present and host sessions at the third INFORMS Healthcare 2015 Conference July 29-31 in Nashville. Read MoreJul 29, 2015
Task force named to prioritize Academic Strategic Plan health initiatives
A new faculty task force has been appointed to prioritize and refine the eight health-related initiatives in the Academic Strategic Plan and to inventory existing health-related interdisciplinary centers and institutes at Vanderbilt. Read MoreMay 7, 2015
Study finds disagreement on the role of primary care nurse practitioners
While physicians and nurse practitioners agree on general principles, survey reveals differences on specific policies (Vanderbilt University) Primary care physicians and nurse practitioners significantly disagree on some proposed changes to the scope of nurse practitioners’ responsibilities, according to a New England Journal of Medicine study released… Read MoreMay 16, 2013
2013 Tennessee Women’s Health Report Card shows movement in the right direction
The Tennessee Women’s Health Report Card, released May 14, indicates women’s health is moving in the right direction, but there’s much more work to be done. Read MoreMay 14, 2013
VU Research Studio Program lauded at AAMC meeting
Vanderbilt University’s Clinical and Translational Research Studio program has won the Award with Distinction for Innovations in Research Training and Education from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Read MoreSep 27, 2012
VU to map gaps in physician coverage across nation
Vanderbilt researchers have been selected to receive a national grant as part of a push to gauge the coming impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Read MoreJul 19, 2012
Vanderbilt’s CTSA lands $46 million renewal
Vanderbilt University’s largest single government research grant, its Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA), has been renewed for another five years for $46 million. Read MoreJul 12, 2012
Department of Preventive Medicine will expand, be re-named
After a storied history of achievement in the areas of teaching, research and advocacy in the fields of prevention and public health, Vanderbilt’s Department of Preventive Medicine is expanding and will be re-named. Read MoreJun 2, 2011