U.S. citizens didn’t lose hope during economic crisis, Vanderbilt survey finds
People in the United States are more optimistic and resilient in hard times than is commonly believed, a new survey from Vanderbilt University indicates. Read MoreJul 27, 2010
Listen: Implicit bias against Latinos affects all immigrants, Vanderbilt research shows
Research by political scientist Efren Perez offers insight into the intense opposition among many voters to passing any type of immigration reform. He conducted an original survey-experiment to demonstrate that the participants had an automatic negative attitude toward Latino immigrants that shaped their immigration judgments in general. Listen to That’s… Read MoreJul 15, 2010
Vanderbilt political experts: Tennessee governor’s race remains fluid
Vanderbilt political science professors John Geer and Bruce Oppenheimer are available to speak about the Tennessee gubernatorial race. Read MoreJul 9, 2010
Implicit bias against Latinos affects all immigrants, Vanderbilt research shows
Efren Perez Most Americans, despite their best intentions, harbor a negative bias against Latino immigrants, which deeply colors their outlook on policy proposals for immigration reform, according to research findings by Vanderbilt University political scientist Efren Perez. “I found that when the issue of immigration is broached,… Read MoreJul 1, 2010
MEDIA ADVISORY: Byrd’s leadership style fit mold, says Vanderbilt professor who studies Congress
The late Sen. Robert Byrd was among a group of highly effective Democratic Senate leaders who shared the trait of representing small-population states, says Vanderbilt political scientist Bruce Oppenheimer, who has researched this phenomenon. “Others who come to mind are Mike Mansfield, George Mitchell, and more recently, Tom Daschle and… Read MoreJun 29, 2010
NBC pioneer Julian Goodman places papers at Vanderbilt
The papers of Julian Goodman, an NBC broadcast pioneer who helped bring to life the network news programs that we watch today, have been placed at Vanderbilt University Libraries’ Special Collections. Read MoreMay 25, 2010
Obama after 16 months
Watch videos from Commencement 2010 Week’s Faculty Seminars. Read MoreMay 19, 2010
Rocking Gender: Stereotype and Subversion Among Female Pop Musicians
Watch videos from Commencement 2010 Week’s Faculty Seminars. Read MoreMay 19, 2010
Robotics: New Possibilities in Prosthetic Limbs
Watch videos from Commencement 2010 Week’s Faculty Seminars. Read MoreMay 19, 2010
VU undergrads present research on presidential appointments
Two Vanderbilt undergraduates had the rare opportunity to present their research findings on the influence of patronage on presidential appointments and government performance at the 2010 Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Read MoreMay 18, 2010
Wave of vigilante justice in Mexico explained by AmericasBarometer surveys
Vigilante justice is growing in many countries in Latin America, including Mexico, and a new study by the Latin American Public Opinion Project helps explain why. Read MoreMay 18, 2010
Vanderbilt undergraduates present research at national political science meeting
Two Vanderbilt University undergraduates had the rare opportunity to present their research findings on the influence of patronage on presidential appointments and government performance at the 2010 Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Read MoreMay 12, 2010
TIPSHEET: Vanderbilt experts can talk about Supreme Court justice search
As the Obama administration researches candidates to succeed retiring Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens, Vanderbilt experts are ready to weigh in on Justice Stevens, the Supreme Court and the list of potential nominees. Read MoreApr 28, 2010
Watch: Barack Obama and the Remaking of Black America
Watch video of Ira Berlin, an American historian and author of The Making of African America: The Four Great Migrations, speaking at Vanderbilt April 16. Read MoreApr 19, 2010
Hondurans’ support of political system increases, despite objection to way previous president was ousted
A majority of Hondurans opposed the ouster and exile of President Manuel Zelaya last summer, even though they strongly objected to his attempt to change the nation’s constitution, a recent comprehensive survey of the nation’s population found. Read MoreApr 15, 2010
Vanderbilt Peabody Dean Camilla Benbow to testify before Congress April 15
Camilla Benbow, Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education and Human Development, testified before Congress April 15 on the role that schools of education, like Peabody, play in ensuring that all students have great teachers and great school leaders. Read MoreApr 14, 2010
Watch: The Battle for America 2008
Watch video of Dan Balz and Haynes Johnson, two of the nation’s most experienced political reporters, engaging in an evening of political discussion. Read MoreApr 8, 2010
Watch: Impact Symposium: “American Capitalism in the World”
Watch video of a talk by Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. Read MoreApr 1, 2010
Watch: Impact Symposium: “Business or the Consumer First?”
Watch video of journalist John Stossel and political activist Ralph Nader speaking at the annual Impact Symposium. Read MoreMar 31, 2010
MEDIA ADVISORY: Financial regulatory reform discussion with Sen. Bob Corker at Vanderbilt
Sen. Bob Corker, a member of the Senate Banking Committee who has played a role in helping craft the Senate's version of regulatory reform legislation, is coming to the Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management to hold a discussion on regulatory reform with academic experts, banking leaders and finance graduate students. Read MoreMar 25, 2010