National political correspondent, best-selling author to headline Vanderbilt University’s 2004 Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Series Jan. 19-27
Juan Williams, best-selling author and senior correspondent for National Public Radio's "Morning Edition," will deliver the keynote address for Vanderbilt University's 2004 Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Series Jan. 19-27. Read MoreJan 7, 2004
Gore’s endorsement seen as smart strategy by Vanderbilt political scientist
Former Vice President Al Gore has seized the opportunity to be a major player in the 2004 presidential campaign by endorsing Democratic candidate Howard Dean at this time, according to Vanderbilt University political scientist John Geer. Read MoreDec 9, 2003
Op-ed: Modern muckrakers expose troubles of our Gilded Age
America is experiencing a troubling deja vu - a second coming of the Gilded Age. Marked by an incredible disparity between the wealthy and poor, by waves of layoffs (especially in manufacturing) and business scandal after business scandal, this era is also burdened by a political culture that often seems heedless - or downright hostile - toward the well-being of the general American public. Read MoreNov 25, 2003
Pat Buchanan and William Schulz to debate "Civil Liberties in a Post 9/11 America" at Vanderbilt
Buchanan and Schulz will debate the United States' changing political landscape in the wake of 9/11 and the impact of the U.S. Patriot Act, a bill passed by Congress that gives law enforcement far-reaching power in the fight against terrorism. Read MoreNov 3, 2003
MEDIA ADVISORY-New York Times columnist David Brooks to explore "The Geography of Politics" in Vanderbilt address
David Brooks, a columnist for The New York Times and senior editor at The Weekly Standard, will explore "The Geography of Politics" in a Vanderbilt University address on Wednesday, Oct. 22. The lecture begins at 6 p.m. in Ingram Hall at Vanderbilt's Blair School of Music. A reception with Brooks will precede the lecture at 5 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Read MoreOct 20, 2003
Vanderbilt hosts public policy seminar for Metro Council
Members of Metro Council will participate in a public policy seminar this weekend at Vanderbilt as part of the University's ongoing commitment to civic engagement. Read MoreOct 17, 2003
New York Times columnist David Brooks to explore "The Geography of Politics" in Vanderbilt address
David Brooks, a columnist for The New York Times and senior editor at The Weekly Standard, will explore "The Geography of Politics" in a Vanderbilt University address on Wednesday, Oct. 22. The lecture begins at 6 p.m. in Ingram Hall at Vanderbilt's Blair School of Music. A reception with Brooks will precede the lecture at 5 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Read MoreOct 14, 2003
Meet the Metro candidates at Vanderbilt community picnic
More than 60 candidates for the August election in Davidson County will do some old-fashioned politicking at a July 16 community picnic on Vanderbilt University's Olin Lawn. Read MoreJul 11, 2003
Why is the government so interested in Martha Stewart anyway?
Policing fraud is the only way to keep markets working, says Vanderbilt expert Read MoreJun 4, 2003
Bush could use previous president from Texas as role model in foreign affairs,
As President Bush attempts to mend fences with European leaders in the aftermath of war with Iraq, he would do well to consider the actions of a previous president from Texas, according to Thomas Alan Schwartz, a Vanderbilt University presidential historian. Read MoreJun 4, 2003
Op-ed – The Coming Tort Reform Juggernaut
Tort reform has come to Washington, D.C. with a vengeance. Congress, with the White House's blessing, has begun to propose a dizzying array of federal laws designed to change the way lawsuits are handled in the 50 states. Read MoreMay 19, 2003
Desmond Tutu to speak at Vanderbilt
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and one of the world's foremost human rights advocates, will address the Vanderbilt community on Wednesday, April 16, at 7:30 p.m. in Langford Auditorium. Read MoreApr 16, 2003
Vanderbilt Child and Family Policy Center to assist foster teens awarded Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative grant
The Vanderbilt Child and Family Policy Center is creating a national model program to help teens in state custody who are aging out of foster care, thanks to a $400,000 grant from the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative. Read MoreApr 2, 2003
Post-Saddam Iraq examined by adviser to transitional Iraqi parliament
Kanan Makiya presents "The United States and Post-Saddam Iraq" on Wednesday, April 2, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 114 Furman Hall on the Vanderbilt campus. Makiya is an adviser for the Iraqi National Congress. Read MoreMar 28, 2003
Op-ed: Computers idle in public schools
If Al Gore did indeed invent the Internet, it's time for him to return and teach America's public schools how to use it. Electronic technology has revolutionized 21st-century work, but not 21st-century learning. Read MoreMar 18, 2003
Op-ed: The Dangers of Preemption *
To justify military action without Security Council approval, the president invoked the doctrine of "pre-emptive" self-defense. In doing so, he dismissed a centuries-old principle of international law and opened the door to a world of unknown dangers and grave moral challenges. Allison Marsten Danner, Vanderbilt University professor of law, collaborated with George Fisher, Stanford University professor of law, to write the following op-ed. Read MoreMar 16, 2003
"Understanding the Middle East" Series examines Islam and post-Saddam Iraq in two events
Ebrahim E. I. Moosa presents "Re-Thinking Islam in Modernity" on March 20 and Kanan Makiya presents "The United States and Post-Saddam Iraq" on Wednesday, April 2. Read MoreMar 14, 2003
State of the Union critical moment for Bush presidency, says Vanderbilt professor
President Bushs Jan. 28 State of the Union address is his most important opportunity to date to make the case for going to war with Iraq, according to Thomas Schwartz, a Vanderbilt University expert on U.S. foreign policy and alliance politics. Read MoreJan 27, 2003
Racists threats to have federal judge murdered typical of how he operates, says Vanderbilt expert
Matthew Hale, arrested and charged yesterday in Chicago with soliciting the murder of federal judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow, is a dangerous man leading a radical, well-established group, according to Carol M. Swain, professor of law and political science at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreJan 9, 2003
Frist will make major role change as Senate leader, says Vanderbilt expert
Tennessee would gain significant legislative clout should Sen. Bill Frist become the next majority leader, the powerful post would require a major role change for the heart surgeon. Read MoreDec 20, 2002