Stem cells take heart
Signaling pathway discoveries suggest ways to induce stem cells to become cardiac muscle cells, which could be useful for regenerating damaged heart muscle. Read MoreFeb 20, 2012
Memory intact in early psychosis
Brain deficits are not present in the early stages of schizophrenia, suggesting it may be possible to delay or prevent the development of brain abnormalities. Read MoreFeb 16, 2012
On the tail of RSV infection mechanism
New details about the life cycle of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) could aid the development of therapies to combat this leading cause of serious illness in infants and the elderly. Read MoreFeb 15, 2012
Opinion: Scientific research is essential to state’s economic health
In this Tennessean opinion piece, Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs Jeff Balser discusses the impact scientific research has in Tennessee and the critical importance of continued federal investment in this research. Read MoreFeb 10, 2012
Cutting calories doesn’t reduce ventilator use: study
A new study found that lower-calorie tube feedings do not reduce a patient’s ventilator use. Read MoreFeb 10, 2012
Tool finds connections in genome data
A new analytical tool points to genes that act together to increase disease risk. Read MoreFeb 8, 2012
Treatment window for genetic disorder
Treatment with a drug used to prevent organ rejection partially reverses the course of tuberous sclerosis, research in mice suggests. Read MoreFeb 1, 2012
Drugs reverse lung cancer cell changes
Drugs that target “epigenetic” changes may help treat or slow the progression of lung cancer. Read MoreFeb 1, 2012
Protein repairs esophageal DNA damage
A protein involved in repairing DNA damage associated with gastric reflux may play a tumor suppressor role in the esophagus and could represent a target for therapies to combat esophageal cancer. Read MoreJan 25, 2012
Alcohol’s molecular mediators
Therapeutic agents focusing on the brain region involved in stress-induced relapse may be effective in preventing relapse in patients with alcohol use disorders. Read MoreJan 23, 2012
Studies shed new light on how nitric oxide is produced
The discovery of a previously unrecognized and pivotal role of enzyme ASL in nitric oxide production could potentially lead to new therapies for babies with pulmonary hypertension. Read MoreJan 20, 2012
Digestive disease research bolstered by grant renewal
The Vanderbilt Digestive Disease Research Center celebrates its 10th anniversary this year with a second five-year renewal of its federal research grant. Read MoreJan 20, 2012
Pumping up the pancreas in pregnancy
A strain of mutant mice provide a novel model for studying glucose intolerance and gestational diabetes during pregnancy and suggest that certain molecules may be useful for therapeutic applications. Read MoreJan 20, 2012
Obesity genes linked to uterine cancer
In addition to body mass index, genetic markers of obesity may provide value in predicting endometrial cancer risk. Read MoreJan 20, 2012
Clues to flattened faces
Images of individuals with Alagille syndrome (National Institutes of Health) Mutations in the Jagged1 gene cause Alagille syndrome, an inherited disorder that affects the liver, heart, kidneys and facial structure. Patients with Alagille syndrome often have a prominent forehead, a flattened midface and a prominent chin; some have a cleft… Read MoreJan 5, 2012
New schizophrenia drug candidates entering prep for first-in-human testing
The progression of new drug candidates for schizophrenia with partner Janssen Pharmaceutica is the latest evidence that a new collaborative model for drug discovery pioneered at Vanderbilt may help identify and develop innovative candidate drugs for treatment of major brain disorders. Read MoreDec 15, 2011
Divvying up chromosomes
Protein helps ensure proper division of chromosomes during cell division. Read MoreDec 15, 2011
Virus-linked cancer gets help from host
Host cell protein may be a target for strategies to limit spread of virus-induced squamous cell cancers. Read MoreDec 15, 2011
Pathway to colon cancer progression
Molecular players involved in colon cancer progression could provide new biomarkers to indicate invasiveness and prognosis. Read MoreDec 1, 2011
Autoimmune drugs don’t boost infection risk: study
A Vanderbilt study shows that a class of drugs used to treat autoimmune diseases does not increase the chance of hospitalization for serious infection. Read MoreNov 18, 2011