VU Inside: The Latin American Public Opinion Project
The AmericasBarometer survey is the only scientifically rigorous comparative survey that covers all of North, Central, and South America, as well as a significant number of countries in the Caribbean. Read MoreJul 9, 2015
People living in less affluent regions are more environmentally friendly in Latin America, Caribbean
More people than surveyors expected think protection of the environment should be a priority in Latin America and the Caribbean. Read MoreJul 6, 2015
Age is decisive factor when it comes to supporting same-sex marriage: LAPOP
Lawmakers in the Americas hew close to voters' preferences when it comes to same-sex marriage, according to a new study from Vanderbilt's LAPOP opinion project. Read MoreJun 2, 2015
Free trade deals favored in Ecuador: LAPOP
More than half the population of Ecuador believe that free trade agreements are a good thing for the country, according to a LAPOP study from Vanderbilt. Read MoreMay 26, 2015
Uruguayans skeptical as government takes control of marijuana market
Nearly 60 percent of Uruguayans disapprove of their governments move to take over the marijuana market, according to a LAPOP survey. Read MoreMar 31, 2015
Nearly half of Brazilians support coup if corruption is high: LAPOP
A survey in Brazil by Vanderbilt's LAPOP project shows that the public there is open to a military coup in times of high government corruption. Read MoreMar 25, 2015
Venezuelans down on president, tolerant of his detractors
A poll taken by the Latin American Opinion Project at Vanderbilt University has bad news for Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro. Read MoreMar 3, 2015
Polarization over president high in Argentina: LAPOP
A poll by the Latin American Opinion Project shows that Argentines have responded to the death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman with anger and resignation. Read MoreFeb 18, 2015
Vanderbilt’s LAPOP survey provides new insights on insecurities and democracy in the Americas
Crime and violence are increasingly worrying citizens in the Americas, according to new data released by Vanderbilt's LAPOP center. Read MoreNov 25, 2014
U.S. aid to Central America is successfully combatting crime and violence: LAPOP study
Aid programs sponsored by the United States are effective in lowering crime in Central America, according to a Vanderbilt study. Read MoreOct 30, 2014
Seligson: People want legislatures to listen to them
Centennial Professor of Political Science Mitchell Seligson gave the keynote address at the First Inter-American Meeting of the Presidents of the Legislatures of the Americas held in Peru. Read MoreJul 29, 2014
Victims of crime, corruption more likely to emigrate from Central America
Vanderbilt's LAPOP researchers say people who have been asked to pay a bribe or been the victim of a crime are more likely to leave their Central America homeland seeking a new life. Read MoreFeb 27, 2014
Waning political tolerance in some Latin American nations points to weakened democratic culture
Support for political tolerance remains strong in many Latin American and Caribbean nations, but in others a move in the opposite direction “represents alarming news,” concludes a study by Vanderbilt University’s Latin American Public Opinion Project. Read MoreJan 22, 2014
Chile could expect more protests: LAPOP
Analysts with Vanderbilt's LAPOP team say Chilean authorities might want to brace for more civil discord in that country. Read MoreOct 10, 2013
LAPOP: Jamaicans feeling more secure as relations with police improve
Vanderbilt researchers are finding that Jamaicans are feeling more confidence in their local police as they report decreasing incidences of bribe solicitation. Read MoreAug 22, 2013
Are protests in Brazil just the beginning?
Protests may spread from Brazil to other Latin American nations with similar conditions, says a report from Vanderbilt University’s Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP). Read MoreAug 5, 2013
LAPOP: Politically tolerant people use social media
A study by Vanderbilt University's Latin American Public Opinion Project shows that the use of social media for political purposes in the Americas can be an effective complement to conventional forms of political engagement. Read MoreJul 15, 2013
Public support for democracy endures in Venezuela
The collapse of the party system and high levels of crime and corruption in Venezuela have not dimmed public support for democracy in that country, according to a survey by the Latin American Public Opinion Project at Vanderbilt. Read MoreMar 12, 2013
Christian Science Monitor: Latin America’s second-largest economy lags in digital accessibility
Barely 17 percent have Internet access at home, according to the latest figures of the Americas Barometer, a survey by Vanderbilt University’s Latin American Public Opinion Project. Although the digital divide – the gap between those who can afford access and those who can’t – has narrowed in recent years, progress has been slow and Mexico still finds itself well below its peers. Read MoreMar 6, 2013
Argentines mistrust Iran, may not trust community center bombing probe, survey finds
Rgw AmericasBarometer survey shows that Argentines may not trust Iran or a jointly established Truth Commission formed to discover the culprits behind a Jewish community center bombing in Buenos Aires 20 years ago. Read MoreFeb 20, 2013