Study finds Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine safe and effective for young children
A Vanderbilt study finds that Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective in children 6 months to 5 years of age. Read MoreNov 4, 2022
Racial inequities during COVID-19 pandemic explored in newly published work by Vanderbilt professor
Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Professor and associate professor of ethics and society, has edited and published Religion, Race, and COVID-19: Confronting White Supremacy in the Pandemic, an anthology exploring the countless challenges, racially charged acts, setbacks, triumphs and newfound hope through the eyes of individuals living through one of the most pressing, perplexing social crises in recent memory—the global COVID-19 pandemic. Read MoreNov 4, 2022
Fighting Misconceptions through Intentionally Designed Figures
Laura Novick and Jingyi Liu published a paper highlighting the importance of intentionally and thoughtfully designed figures to explain evolutionary relationships and overcome preconceived misconceptions. Read MoreNov 1, 2022
Vanderbilt’s Crowe receives the Building the Foundation Award from Research!America
Vanderbilt's James Crowe Jr., MD, has received the Building the Foundation Award from Research!America, a national biomedical research advocacy organization. Read MoreOct 6, 2022
Predictors of Perceptions of Effective Government-Provided Distance Learning
Globally, at least 60% of countries proposed remote learning options that rely only on online platforms, but approximately 47% of students cannot connect to the internet from their homes. This Insights report analyzes factors affecting perceptions of government-provided distance learning during the pandemic. Read MoreOct 4, 2022
Barney Graham, distinguished Vanderbilt alumnus and COVID-19 scientific leader, to speak Oct. 17
Barney S. Graham, PhD'91, chief architect for the first experimental COVID-19 vaccine, will give the School of Medicine Basic Sciences Dean’s Lecture on Oct. 17 and be presented with the 2021 Distinguished Alumnus Award by Chancellor Daniel Diermeier. Read MoreSep 29, 2022
Research Spotlight: The Impact of COVID-19 Migration Patterns on Municipal Bonds
New Vanderbilt research explores the economic effects of pandemic-related migration patterns on municipal bonds. Read MoreSep 26, 2022
‘Doctors Write the Pandemic–and Critics Respond’ panel is Sept. 20
Alex Jahangir, professor of orthopaedic surgery and chair of Nashville’s COVID-19 Task Force, and Wes Ely, Grant W. Liddle Professor and professor of medicine, will discuss their pandemic-related books on Tuesday, Sept. 20, as part of a panel hosted by the Department of Medicine, Health and Society’s “Hot Topics” series. Read MoreSep 16, 2022
VU community encouraged to practice healthy behaviors; new omicron-specific boosters available
There are many things Vanderbilt community members can do to protect themselves, as well as their friends, colleagues and fellow community members, from various illnesses. Among them is getting the new bivalent COVID vaccine booster, which targets the omicron subvariants that currently make up 99 percent of new cases in the U.S. Read MoreSep 14, 2022
Vice Provost G.L. Black and Associate Vice Chancellor Pam Jones share health and safety update with students
Vice Provost and Dean of Students G.L. Black and Associate Vice Chancellor Pam Jones shared a message with all students on Aug. 17 regarding health and safety updates for the start of the semester. Read MoreAug 17, 2022
COVID-19 leave bank still available for full-time staff
Vanderbilt University continues to provide all full-time, benefits-eligible staff members who are diagnosed with COVID-19 access to a paid leave bank of up to one week, equivalent to 40 hours of pay. The bank is available to on-campus and remote workers who have been diagnosed and are symptomatic. Staff who are working remotely, diagnosed and isolating but are asymptomatic and able to perform their work should continue their normal remote work and are ineligible for the COVID-19 Leave Bank. Read MoreAug 17, 2022
Everything you need to know about COVID-19 health and safety for the start of the 2022–23 academic year
Vanderbilt University continues to work closely with public health experts at the university and Vanderbilt University Medical Center to ensure that its response to the COVID-19 pandemic is grounded in science and expert guidance with the goal of protecting community members. Read MoreAug 11, 2022
Science career ‘pipeline’ garners national attention
Vanderbilt's Aspirnaut STEM pipeline for diversity and wellness recently celebrated its 15th anniversary with a daylong scientific symposium, followed by a feature on the Aug. 2 broadcast of NBC Nightly News. Read MoreAug 3, 2022
‘Peabody Journal of Education’ issue addresses COVID-19’s impact on education policy, equity and social justice
The latest issue of the Peabody Journal of Education focuses on the pandemic’s consequences for equity and social justice, with insights on the PK-16 education system’s initial response to COVID-19 and how the first year of the pandemic affected education and educational inequality. Read MoreAug 2, 2022
Video vital for telehealth visits
Vanderbilt study of 18,130 telehealth visits at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic defines risk factors associated with telehealth access and suggests how health systems can improve access. Read MoreJul 28, 2022
Vanderbilt team tracks cellular and antibody responses to COVID-19 vaccine
A collaborative team of Vanderbilt researchers has characterized the antigen-specific immune response to the Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 RNA vaccine. The group used multiple single-cell technologies, unbiased machine learning and traditional immunological approaches to track cellular and antibody responses in samples collected over time from a cohort of healthy participants. Read MoreJul 20, 2022
CDC lowers Davidson County to ‘medium’ COVID community level; Vanderbilt to lift masking requirements
Vanderbilt University will lift its temporary masking requirement beginning Friday, June 24, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lowered Davidson County’s COVID community level to “medium.” Read MoreJun 24, 2022
First-ever longitudinal study on LGBTQ+ aging is window into seldom-studied community
A four-year longitudinal study of older LGBTQ+ people in the South is being conducted to better identify the sources of stress and resilience for this infrequently studied population. Read MoreJun 23, 2022
VUMC research aids approval of COVID-19 vaccine for young children
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected to authorize Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months old. Read MoreJun 20, 2022
CDC upgrades Davidson County to ‘high’ COVID community level; Vanderbilt to follow CDC guidance
Vanderbilt University will temporarily reinstate indoor masking protocols as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently upgraded Davidson County’s COVID community level to “high” due to rising hospitalization numbers. Read MoreJun 17, 2022