
  • Vanderbilt University

    Cole Lecture Part 2: The Religious Right and the Quest to Reframe American History

    Watch video of Anthea Butler, Associate Professor of Religious Studies and the Graduate Chair of Religion, University of Pennsylvania, as she discusses the implications of the reconstuctionist, revisionist history that permeates many conservative and fundamentalist Christian churches and political action organizations. The presentation is part of the Divinity School’s 2012… Read More

    Oct 31, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    VUCast: Wearable Robot

    This Week on VUCast, Vanderbilt’s online newscast: Amazing Vanderbilt research you have to see to believe! How this “wearable robot” helps paraplegics walk! How winning a football game could influence who wins the presidency. [vucastblurb]… Read More

    Oct 31, 2012

  • Dorothy Roberts

    Dorothy E. Roberts: Fatal Invention: The New Biopolitics of Race

    Watch video of Dorothy E. Roberts –  recently named Penn Integrates Knowledge Professor at the University of Pennsylvania – presenting “Fatal Invention: The New Biopolitics of Race” based on her latest book Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, and Big Business Re-create Race in the Twenty-first Century. An acclaimed scholar of race, gender, and the law, Roberts… Read More

    Oct 30, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    InsideOut of the Lunch Box: The Culture of Irish Music in America

    Watch video of the most recent presentation in the InsideOut of the Lunch Box series – The Culture of Irish Music in America – which took place on October 25. Eileen Ivers is an original musical star of the hit show Riverdance and has been named All-Ireland Fiddle Champion nine… Read More

    Oct 26, 2012

  • Keith Meador

    Religion and Health: Pitfalls and Possibilities (10/24/12)

    Watch video of Keith Meador presenting “Religion and Health: Pitfalls and Possibilities” as part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute lecture series. The course reviews the historical context and current research and conversations regarding religion and health in American culture. We will examine the significance and implications of our “therapeutic culture”… Read More

    Oct 26, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    VUCast: Pawn Stars

    This Week on VUCast, Vanderbilt’s online newscast: Why one Vandy professor says pawn shops are a better economic move than you realize. Which gives a bigger political punch to undecided voters—the debates or negative ads? Go behind closed “Dores” to see what game day is really like. Read More

    Oct 26, 2012

  • Christopher Slobogin

    Contemporary Debates in Criminal Justice: Government Surveillance

    Watch video of Christopher Slobogin presenting “Contemporary Debates in Criminal Justice: Government Surveillance” as part of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute lecture series. The course explores a number of the hottest topics in criminal justice: the death penalty, the insanity defense, preventive detention, surveillance and other topics relating to investigation… Read More

    Oct 26, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    4th Annual National Security Symposium “The Evolving Role of U.S. Military Intervention”

    Watch video of retired four-star Gen. Anthony Zinni – the keynote speaker at the 2012 National Security Symposium at Vanderbilt University. The theme this year was “The Evolving Role of U.S. Military Intervention.” Zinni, who is retired from the Marines and a former commander in chief of U.S. Central Command, is an instructor… Read More

    Oct 26, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    Harry C. Howard Jr. Lecture Series: Edward Ayers: “The Humanities in Our Times”

    Watch video of Edward L. Ayers, President and Professor of History at the University of Richmond, present this year’s Harry C. Howard Jr. Lecture on Thursday, October 18 in Flynn Auditorium. His talk is entitled “The Humanities in Our Times.” Prior to his appointment at the University of Richmond, Ayers… Read More

    Oct 25, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    VUCast: Sci-Fi Author

    This Week on VUCast: She’s juggling her studies and life as a sci-fi author! Meet writing phenom Kat Zhang. See the new and improved Sarratt/Rand. Which women are more at risk for heart attacks. [vucastblurb]… Read More

    Oct 19, 2012

  • LPO Colloquium Event: Dr. Susanna Loeb

    LPO Colloquium Event: Dr. Susanna Loeb

      Dr. Susanna Loeb talks about the effect of teacher turnover on student achievement. Read More

    Oct 19, 2012

  • The United States Congress.

    Video: Panel discussion: Election 2012 and the Congressional “Lame Duck”: What’s at Stake?

    Watch video of a lunchtime panel discussion on “Election 2012 and the Congressional ‘Lame Duck’: What’s at Stake?”. The panel, hosted by Vanderbilt’s Office of Federal Relations and the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, will be moderated by Beth Fortune, vice chancellor for public affairs, and will feature: John… Read More

    Oct 15, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    VUCast: New Show Shines!

    This Week on VUCast, Vanderbilt’s online newscast: The Vanderbilt connection to the new TV hit Nashville! How your smartphone could start saving lives. How music is going to the HEART of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center [vucastblurb]… Read More

    Oct 11, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    VUCast: Stock Obsession

    This Week on VUCast, Vanderbilt’s online newscast: Why our obsession with stock prices is killing U.S. companies. How powerful is the shrinking undecided voter? Vanderbilt takes you from farm to fork [vucastblurb]… Read More

    Oct 5, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    VUCast: Gators Give Researchers Clues

    This Week on VUCast, Vanderbilt’s online newscast: What these “sensitive” alligators have in common with humans.  Brainy bugs! Why ants are smarter than the average bug.  And a worldwide “girl power” movement comes to Vanderbilt. Read More

    Sep 28, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    Little Leaguer is a diabetes pro

    Middle Tennessee’s latest celebrities are the 11-and-12-year-old Little League U.S. World Series Champions from Goodlettesville. But one young player already had quite a fan base built up at a Vanderbilt pediatric diabetes clinic, where he has been a patient most of his life. Luke Brown and his family are also… Read More

    Sep 27, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    Carrie A. Russell: “We the People: American Citizenship and Voter Identification Laws”

    Watch video of Carrie A. Russell, senior lecturer in political science present “We the People: American Citizenship and Voter Identification Laws,” part of this year’s forum to examine voter identification laws as Vanderbilt University marked Constitution Day. Russell’s presentation tied the obligations of citizenship with the effects of voter identification laws. This… Read More

    Sep 26, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    Lunch and Learn: John Geer

    Watch video from the September 21 Lunch and Learn event with John Geer. John Geer, chair of political science, spoke on “Negativity and the 2012 Presidential Campaign: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.” This presidential campaign will be the most negative in modern history. Geer argued why that is… Read More

    Sep 25, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    VUCast: Home Run for Health

    This week on VUCast: They won our hearts. Now, learn how one champion is winning his fight with diabetes. Some Vanderbilt classes are soon coming to a computer near you. And, Popeye was right. Researchers give new meaning to the term spinach power. [vucastblurb]… Read More

    Sep 19, 2012

  • HD Kirkland

    A message from Chancellor Zeppos: Vanderbilt joins Coursera

    Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos (Vanderbilt University) Dear Vanderbilt Community: As one of our nation’s and world’s top research universities, Vanderbilt advances its mission by  integrating and disseminating knowledge and information. Increasingly, Internet technology presents an exciting conduit for the broad dissemination of knowledge to millions. Last year, I appointed… Read More

    Sep 19, 2012