Health And Medicine
Grant spurs research into how cancer cells spread
Aron Parekh, Ph.D., assistant professor of Otolaryngology, has received a four-year, $790,000 Research Scholar Grant from the American Cancer Society to further his research into the mechanical and biological properties of cancer cells and the methods by which they leave the initial tumor and spread or metastasize to other parts of the body. Read MoreMar 3, 2016
Graduate students compete in fourth annual Three Minute Thesis competition
Vanderbilt graduate students demonstrated that they can summarize their 80,000-word theses in less than three minutes using terms that members of the public can understand during this year's Three Minute Thesis competition. Read MoreMar 1, 2016
Grant bolsters rheumatoid arthritis research
C. Michael Stein, MBChB., and his colleagues at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have received a five-year, $1.35 million award from the Arthritis Foundation to develop new biomarkers for rheumatoid arthritis that also may revolutionize treatment. Read MoreFeb 25, 2016
Chemo better option following pancreatic cancer surgery: study
A multicenter study led by Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) investigators found that pancreatic cancer patients who underwent surgery and received chemotherapy lived longer and had fewer cancer recurrences in other parts of the body than patients who also received chemoradiation therapy. Read MoreFeb 25, 2016
Liver balancing act
Vanderbilt researchers have defined a mechanism that limits liver cell proliferation after injury in order to preserve critical metabolic functions. Read MoreFeb 24, 2016
Hypertension hiatus
New findings offer a potential strategy for preventing heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension. Read MoreFeb 23, 2016
Face recognition and social anxiety
An inability to recognize faces may be an important mechanism underlying social inhibition and may contribute to, or maintain, social anxiety. Read MoreFeb 19, 2016
Combining treatments for melanoma
Combining therapies for melanoma that induce cell senescence and that activate the immune response may improve outcomes for patients. Read MoreFeb 18, 2016
Study leads to new heart transplant decision support tool
Because donor organs are scarce, understanding the mortality risk associated with heart transplantation is an important consideration when evaluating patients for transplant. Read MoreFeb 18, 2016
VU Inside: Dr. William Fissell’s Artificial Kidney
Vanderbilt University Medical Center nephrologist and Associate Professor of Medicine Dr. William Fissell IV is making major progress on a first-of-its kind device to free kidney patients from dialysis. He is building an artificial implantable kidney with microchip filters and living kidney cells that will be powered by a patient’s own heart. Read MoreFeb 12, 2016
Slight chemical change may improve TB treatments: study
One small chemical change to an existing antibacterial drug results in a compound that is more effective against its target enzyme in tuberculosis, Vanderbilt researchers have discovered. Read MoreFeb 11, 2016
Study identifies potential colon cancer biomarker
A protein that suppresses a key cancer pathway in the colon may be a potential biomarker for colitis-associated tumors, researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center reported last month in the journal Gut. Read MoreFeb 11, 2016
Overcoming lung cancer drug resistance
Vanderbilt investigators have discovered a way to overcome the resistance of some lung cancers to certain targeted therapies, which could lead to more effective treatments for lung cancer patients. Read MoreFeb 10, 2016
Therapies to prevent preterm birth
Vanderbilt researchers have developed a high-throughput assay that will aid in identifying new compounds to treat preterm labor or postpartum bleeding. Read MoreFeb 9, 2016
Building intestinal brush borders
Studies of the molecular complex that helps build specialized cellular surfaces could shed light on the mechanisms underlying a genetic deaf-blindness syndrome accompanied by intestinal disease. Read MoreFeb 8, 2016
Dynamics of a drug resistance transporter
Vanderbilt investigators are exploring the shape changes in a multidrug transporter to understand the mechanisms of antibacterial resistance. Read MoreFeb 5, 2016
Prostate cancer survivors’ risk of heart disease studied
The 3 million prostate cancer survivors in the United States are likely to die from something other than cancer, thanks to early detection, effective treatment and the disease’s slow progression. Read MoreFeb 4, 2016
Grant spurs research into trauma-induced vision loss
Tonia Rex, Ph.D., and colleagues at the Vanderbilt Eye Institute are working to uncover how best to treat ocular trauma, the fourth leading cause of blindness worldwide. Read MoreFeb 4, 2016
VUMC study may offer answers for treating depression in alcoholics
A study by researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center is offering a glimmer of hope to alcoholics who find it hard to remain sober because their abstinence is hounded by stubborn, difficult-to-treat depression. Read MoreFeb 1, 2016
Findings offer new insight on how cell division proteins work
A family of proteins with critical roles in cell division, synaptic transmission and cell migration don’t all function the way scientists thought they did, according to two new studies led by Vanderbilt researchers. Read MoreJan 28, 2016