Engineering And Technology
Robot playmates monitor emotional state of children with ASD
The day that robot playmates help children with autism learn the social skills that they naturally lack has come a step closer with the development of a system that allows a robot to monitor a child's emotional state. Read MoreFeb 17, 2009
Managing risk in an increasingly hazardous world
If you have a nagging feeling that life is getting increasingly hazardous, you may be interested in the new book, "Operational Risk Management," by Mark D. Abkowitz, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Vanderbilt University. Read MoreMay 1, 2008
Video: Managing risk in an increasingly hazardous world
Watch video of Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Mark Abkowitz discussing risk and his book, "Operational Risk Management." Read MoreMay 1, 2008
MEDIA ADVISORY: ‘Smart’ anti-tip system for manual wheelchairs, improved ergonomics for Nissan Atlimas and Maximas and an anthropomorphic robot hand showcased at Vanderbilt’s Engineering Senior Design Day
Vanderbilt engineering seniors will display their innovations Tuesday, April 22, during the School of Engineering\'s Senior Design Day, which is open to the public. Read MoreApr 21, 2008
Vanderbilt engineers part of $2.8 million grant to link war fighters to global information grid
A computer freeze-up in the office is a hassle. In a fighter jet peppered with enemy fire, it\'s a crisis. Getting the increasingly large and complex systems people have come to rely on to interface and interact without shutting down has been the focus of engineering professor Doug Schmidt\'s career. Read MoreFeb 27, 2008
Managing nuclear wastes for the millennia
U.S. Courts have decreed that the federal government must come up with a system for managing nuclear wastes that will ensure the safety of the public and environment for one million years, a period that is 200 times the length of recorded history. Read MoreDec 17, 2007
DENSO gift powers new biodiesel testing facility
The Vanderbilt School of Engineering will soon have a new state-of-the-art biodiesel testing facility, thanks to a $100,000 gift from the DENSO North America Foundation. Read MoreDec 3, 2007
Engineering professor creates animated science education program
An animated computer program created by a Vanderbilt University professor of computer science and computer engineering is being used in Nashville public school classrooms to teach science to middle school students. But the teachable agent called Betty‘s Brain does much more; it also teaches students how to learn. Read MoreDec 3, 2007
Rocket-powered mechanical arm could revolutionize prosthetics
Combine a mechanical arm with a miniature rocket motor: The result is a prosthetic device that is the closest thing yet to a bionic arm. Read MoreAug 20, 2007
Mobile pollution sensors to be developed at Vanderbilt using Microsoft grant
Vanderbilt engineers have won an award from Microsoft Corp. to develop a real-time, online, detailed and accurate picture of air quality in large metropolitan areas like Nashville. The mobile air quality monitoring system will make it possible to monitor air quality more accurately than the current system of fixed stations performing low-resolution sampling by including car-mounted sensors that measure, process and report emission levels. Read MoreApr 9, 2007
Vanderbilt research targets chemical and biological weapon detection
Vanderbilt University researchers, in conjunction with colleagues at several other institutions, are working on a project that promises significant improvement in the control of proteins for a number of uses, including the detection of chemical and biological weapons. Read MoreJan 26, 2007
Raindrop research improves understanding of water erosion
There is a dark side to even the humble raindrop. A single drop is harmless, but when billions of raindrops from a cloudburst fall on bare soil they strike like billions of tiny hammers, dislodging tons of soil per acre which is carried away by surface runoff. Read MoreJan 19, 2007