Engineering And Technology
Vanderbilt engineer leads $1 million DARPA project to enable AI machines to gain, share knowledge
A Vanderbilt engineering professor is leading part of an international initiative to create advanced artificial intelligence programs that will enable machines to learn progressively over a lifetime and share those experiences with each other. Researchers hope the technology will allow machines to reuse information, adapt quickly to new conditions and collaborate by sharing information. Read MoreDec 2, 2021
Vanderbilt engineers’ Science paper reviews scope of atomically thin membranes for subatomic separations
A paper by Piran R. Kidambi, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, Pavan Chaturvedi, postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Nicole Moehring, a doctoral student in Interdisciplinary Material Science explores the scope to scale up the sizes of atomically thin membranes and their potential use in applications relating to energy, microscopy, and electronics is published in the journal Science. Read MoreDec 1, 2021
10th Annual Surgery, Intervention and Engineering Symposium features expert in AI-powered computational cardiology
Learn about artificial intelligence and how developing a “digital twin” for the heart has improved human health during the Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering annual symposium on Dec. 15. Read MoreNov 17, 2021
Stacy Klein-Gardner receives 2021 ASEE Lifetime Achievement Award
Stacy Klein-Gardner, adjunct professor of the practice of biomedical engineering, has received a 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Pre-College Engineering Education Division of the American Society of Engineering Education. Read MoreNov 8, 2021
NSF awards $4M to expand national high school engineering program
The National Science Foundation has awarded partner institutions $4 million over the next three years to broaden the impact of Engineering for US All, an NSF-funded program that makes engineering more accessible to high school students and educators. Stacy Klein-Gardner serves as co-director and co-PI for e4usa. Read MoreNov 8, 2021
Engineering’s Simaan named ASME fellow
Nabil Simaan, professor of mechanical engineering, has been elected a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, a distinction awarded to ASME members who have made significant engineering achievements. Read MoreNov 3, 2021
Vanderbilt to lead $5M Air Force center of excellence in radiation effects research on electronics
The Institute for Space and Defense Electronics at Vanderbilt University has been selected as a Center of Excellence in Radiation Effects by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Air Force Research Lab. The $5 million, five-year program will be led by Vanderbilt in partnership with Ohio State and the University of California at Santa Barbara. Read MoreOct 29, 2021
Smart power grid leader to deliver Nov. 8 Hall Engineering Lecture
Yilu Liu, who led the effort to create the North American Power Grid Frequency Monitoring Network and is known for her research on electric power systems and smart grids, will deliver the School of Engineering’s fall 2021 John R. and Donna S. Hall Engineering Lecture on Monday, Nov. 8, at 4 p.m. CT. Read MoreOct 26, 2021
Novel advanced light design and fabrication process could revolutionize sensing technologies
Vanderbilt and Penn State engineers have developed a novel approach to design and fabricate thin-film infrared light sources with near-arbitrary spectral output driven by heat, along with a machine learning methodology called inverse design that reduced the optimization time for these devices from weeks or months on a multi-core computer… Read MoreOct 21, 2021
Chang receives $1.1M grant to investigate brain-body connections, advance understanding of how brains age
Catie Chang, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, has received a $1.1 million NIH grant to investigate brain-body connections and advance understanding of aging in normal and pathological brains. Read MoreOct 18, 2021
Landman awarded $2.6M grant to improve Alzheimer’s patient management
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Bennett Landman has received a $2.6 million NIH grant to improve the understanding of structural changes in the brains of people who have Alzheimer’s disease. Read MoreOct 15, 2021
Research Snapshot: New drug targets vascular inflammation, drastically improving the long-term effectiveness of vascular procedures
Therapeutic MK2i-NP blocks both inflammation and an unhealthy conversion of cells in blood vessels after cardiovascular procedures, reducing the need for further interventions—cutting costs and reducing risks. Est. reading time: 2.5 minutes. Read MoreOct 11, 2021
Vanderbilt engineering faculty selected as co-author for Fifth National Climate Assessment
Janey Camp, research associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, has been selected as a contributor to the Fifth National Climate Assessment, a quadrennial report on the varied impacts and risks presented by global climate change across the country. Read MoreOct 8, 2021
Bell named faculty director of undergraduate data science minor
Charreau Bell, a senior data scientist at the Vanderbilt Data Science Institute and research assistant professor of computer science, has been named the faculty director of the undergraduate data science minor. Read MoreOct 8, 2021
Teeing up data to drive results for the Vanderbilt men’s golf team
Computational game theorist and researcher Eugene Vorobeychik deploys game theory to help the Vanderbilt men’s golf team clinch the 2021 SEC Men’s Golf Championship. Read MoreOct 7, 2021
Startups initiated and grown at Vanderbilt get $4.5M in federal funding, LaunchTN matching grants
Nine startups established at Vanderbilt’s Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization and the Wond’ry have been awarded more than $4.5 million in federal Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer grants and matching funds from Launch Tennessee, with the goal of accelerating technology commercialization, innovation and job creation across the state. Read MoreOct 7, 2021
Vanderbilt chapter adviser, student leaders win 2021 ASCE awards
Professor Lori Troxel has received the 2021 American Society of Civil Engineers’ Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award. Lexi Revis, BE’21, received a 2021 ASCE Student Leadership Award, and senior Michael Roman is a second-place winner of the 2021 national Daniel W. Mead Student Contest. Read MoreOct 7, 2021
Schrimpf receives IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Merit Award
Ronald Schrimpf has received the 2021 IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Merit Award for contributions to the understanding of radiation effects in semiconductor devices and integrated circuits. Read MoreOct 6, 2021
Vanderbilt and University of Tennessee-Knoxville win Sustainable Regional Systems Research Network grant from National Science Foundation
Vanderbilt faculty Jonathan Gilligan and Janey Camp will work with researchers from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville and involved entities to propose a large-scale research network with the goal of improving interrelated electric, transportation and communications services in areas with infrastructure served by the Tennessee Valley Authority. Read MoreSep 30, 2021
Faculty Innovator: Michael Goldfarb shows that taking the first step is possible
Using robotics to help individuals walk seemed like something out of a science fiction film until Michael Goldfarb and members of his lab made it a reality. Read MoreSep 24, 2021