Reinvigorating the concept of the human soul, Philosophy professor Lenn E. Goodman to deliver inaugural lecture on Sept. 9
Musicians want to have it; religions try to save them. Read MoreSep 1, 2004
Expert in scientific testing of learning ability to speak at Kennedy Center
Richard Woodcock, a world-renowned researcher of learning ability assessment, will present a lecture on historical advances in cognitive assessment on Thursday, Sept. 9, at 4 p.m. at the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development. The lecture will take place in Room 241 of the Kennedy Center/MRL Building and is free and open to the public. Read MoreAug 31, 2004
Distinguished Southern political historian at Vanderbilt dies
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Dewey W. Grantham, a nationally prominent scholar of the 20th century South and distinguished faculty member in the Vanderbilt Department of History, died Aug. 26 at St. Thomas Hospital. He was 83 years old and had suffered during the past year from cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Read MoreAug 27, 2004
Peabody College dean recognized for research on gifted youth with Mensa lifetime achievement award
The Mensa Education and Research Foundation (MERF) has selected Camilla Benbow, Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt University's Peabody College, as the recipient of its 2004 Lifetime Achievement Award. Read MoreAug 27, 2004
Vanderbilt University professor joins National Science Foundation for yearlong stint
Vanderbilt University professor Robert D. Sherwood is on loan from the university to the National Science Foundation (NSF), where he will play an integral role in the funding of research and education. Read MoreAug 27, 2004
Vanderbilt uses program developed with Nashville schools to help North Carolina pre-schoolers improve behavior, prevent future violence
For many teachers, managing ongoing student behavior problems is a full-time job, one that can keep them from effectively delivering classroom content. A program developed by Vanderbilt in partnership with Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools to improve behavior is now being introduced to more than 4,000 North Carolina pre-kindergarten students. The program is called Reaching Educators, Children and Parents, or RECAP. Read MoreAug 27, 2004
Vanderbilt expert says duplicate gold medal for South Korean a long shot
Allan Erbsen, a Vanderbilt fellow and instructor at Vanderbilt Law School, says it is unlikely that arbitrators would award South Korean gymnast Yang Tae Yong a gold medal after a scoring error by Olympic judges placed him behind American Paul Hamm and a fellow South Korean. Read MoreAug 25, 2004
Testing the fitness of biological clocks
Microscopic pacemakers--also known as circadian clocks--are found in everything from pond scum to human beings and appear to help organize a dizzying array of biochemical processes. A study performed by researchers at Vanderbilt University and published in the Aug. 24 issue of the journal Current Biology sheds new light on this issue. Read MoreAug 23, 2004
Vanderbilt launches VUmix; Partnership with Napster to provide online music service to students and staff
The digital music revolution has a new home at Vanderbilt University with the launch of VUmix, a comprehensive download service that will offer students and staff a safe, legal and inexpensive way to obtain and share music. Read MoreAug 20, 2004
Vanderbilt University advances in U.S. News’ best colleges ranking
Vanderbilt University has advanced to 18th in U.S. News & World Report's annual ranking of America's best national universities ñ up from the 19th spot last year. Read MoreAug 20, 2004
Vanderbilt recruiting teens for study on reducing stress, preventing depression
The challenge of being and raising a teenager has gotten even more complicated in recent years, with increasing numbers of teens now taking antidepressants to manage their distress. But antidepressants are not the only or even the best long-term solution for many troubled teens. A study underway at Vanderbilt University offers parents and teens struggling with stress an opportunity to learn skills to prevent depression and navigate the teenage years with confidence. Read MoreAug 17, 2004
MEDIA ADVISORY–Web site serves up election experts, student leaders and events
Reporters can find experts on election issues ranging from the South's role in the 2004 presidential race to the role of government in stem cell research using the new Vanderbilt 2004 election Web site: Read MoreAug 12, 2004
Frank Dobson Jr. named director of black cultural center at Vanderbilt University
Frank Dobson Jr. slyly smiles when asked if activities at the Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center at Vanderbilt University might kick up some controversy under his tenure. Read MoreAug 12, 2004
Eloise Dunn Stuhr returns to Vanderbilt to oversee key development efforts
Eloise Dunn Stuhr, an honors graduate of Vanderbilt University who has been a senior development official at three higher education institutions, is returning to her alma mater to oversee key development staffs. Read MoreAug 11, 2004
Vanderbilt’s Dance Marathon raises $50,000 for Children’s Hospital
When Vanderbilt's Dance Marathon committee began planning its February 2004 event last fall, the end goal was simple: to raise more money than it had the previous year, an amount of about $6,000. Dance Marathon 2004 far exceeded its goal by raising almost $50,000, a feat that earned it the Children's Miracle Network's "Most Improved Dance Marathon" award at its annual Dance Marathon Leadership Conference held July 23-25 in Atlanta. Read MoreAug 6, 2004
New director named for African American Studies program at Vanderbilt
The African American Studies program at Vanderbilt University is poised for fast expansion under new director T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting, one of the brightest young scholars and administrators in the field. Read MoreAug 4, 2004
American colonial history expert to lead Vanderbilt’s history department
Daniel Usner, who has taught and written extensively about colonial America, American Indians and the significance of the frontier, has been named chair of the Vanderbilt University Department of History. Usner, the Holland M. McTyeire Professor of History, has a strong research-based interest in the American South during the colonial period and the early years of the Republic and also in Indian-U.S. relations during the 19th century. Read MoreAug 3, 2004
VCH researchers find antipsychotic use doubled in Tennessee children with ADHD
At a time when parents, schools and physicians still struggle with the perceived overuse of the medication Ritalin to treat children with attention difficulties, a new study suggests the potential for another controversy. Read MoreAug 2, 2004
Adolescent Children Antipsychotic Medications
Davis, Haye, Geisinger named to media preseason All-SEC Team
Three Commodores - junior wide receiver Erik Davis, junior defensive end Jovan Haye and senior offensive tackle Justin Geisinger - were named to the 2004 Media Days All-SEC Team, the league announced July 29. Read MoreJul 30, 2004