MyVU Latest Headlines
Sync Higi to report blood pressure, weight to Health Plus
Understanding and tracking weight and blood pressure is an important part of wellness. Faculty and staff can now check blood pressure and weight with Higi machines – making staying on top of your health numbers convenient, simple, fun and rewarding. Read MoreJun 19, 2019
Wellcast: ‘The Mediterranean Diet Goes Global’
Marilyn Holmes, associate director of the Vanderbilt Recreation and Wellness Center and a registered dietitian, talks about the many healthy components of the Mediterranean diet for International Mediterranean Diet Month. Read MoreJun 19, 2019
Register for TASTE nutrition challenge
Discard the idea that a healthy diet has to be tasteless, boring and restrictive. For 10 weeks, you will gain practical information that will help you take your current nutrition status to the next level. Read MoreJun 19, 2019
Vanderbilt Kennedy Center U54 Research Project Grant deadline extended to June 21
The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development announces a call for proposals for the U54 Research Project Grant. This grant award competition is open to VU and VUMC faculty who are investigators or members of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, or who have begun the process for membership at the time of the application submission. Read MoreJun 17, 2019
Metro Council District 18 candidates’ forum is June 18
A forum featuring candidates for Metro Council’s 18th District is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18, at 6 p.m. The event will take place at the Martin Professional Development Center, 2400 Fairfax Ave. Read MoreJun 13, 2019
Offices of Student Accounts, Student Loans relocate to 2309 West End Ave. June 24
The Office of Student Accounts and the Office of Student Loans will move to the third floor of the Admissions and Financial Aid building, located at 2309 West End Ave., effective Monday, June 24. Read MoreJun 13, 2019
Security Notice: Attempted robbery
On Wednesday, June 12, at 8:32 p.m., VUPS was notified of an attempted robbery that occurred outside the 25th Avenue Garage near 24th Avenue. Read MoreJun 13, 2019
Limited submission opportunity: Procter & Gamble Higher Education Grant Program
Vanderbilt University may submit two applications from each School for the Procter & Gamble Higher Education Grant Program. The program provides support for efforts that will better prepare students for success in business. Read MoreJun 12, 2019
Limited submission opportunity: 2020 Searle Scholars Program
Vanderbilt University may nominate two candidates for the 2020 Searle Scholars Program, which supports the independent research of outstanding individuals who have recently begun their first appointments as tenure-track assistant professors. Read MoreJun 12, 2019
Register by June 21: NCI Chemical Biology Consortium Symposium
NExT National Cancer Institute (NCI) Chemical Biology Consortium symposium, taking place at Vanderbilt University (Nashville) on Wednesday, July 10 will feature talks from leading researchers from the CBC and around the country as well as a poster session, providing ample opportunities to learn about and discuss emerging concepts, novel technologies, and therapeutic strategies in drug discovery and development. Read MoreJun 11, 2019
Limited submission opportunity: W.M. Keck Foundation Research Program
Vanderbilt University may submit up to two proposals, one in medical research and one in science and engineering, for the W. M. Keck Research Program. Read MoreJun 11, 2019
Vandy Cooks: ‘Enjoying Beef in the Mediterranean Diet’ July 12
Come celebrate Beef Month in July and learn how lean red meat fits into one of the best- balanced eating plans, the Mediterranean diet. Karman Meyer, a registered dietitian with the Tennessee Beef Council, will prepare a Greek balance bowl featuring top sirloin steak, quinoa and other traditional ingredients and flavors of the Mediterranean region. Read MoreJun 7, 2019
Join the Health Plus Summer Shape-Up Challenge
Shape up for the summer and beyond by joining the Summer Shape-Up Challenge. Compete to get more exercise, have fun, and feel great. The Summer Shape-Up Challenge runs June 10 through August 16. Read MoreJun 7, 2019
Babies and You: ‘Breastfeeding—A Positive Choice’ June 20
Health Plus offers Babies & You, a worksite prenatal health promotion program for faculty/staff, spouses and/or dependent children who become pregnant. The program encourages early and consistent prenatal care and provides monthly educational opportunities including topics like breastfeeding, nutrition, coping with the discomforts of pregnancy, newborn care, choosing a pediatrician and more. Read MoreJun 5, 2019
Farmers’ Market returns to hospital plaza every Thursday through October
The Nashville Vanderbilt Farmers’ Market at Vanderbilt University Medical Center returns Thursday, June 6, and will be held every Thursday from 1:30 to 5 p.m. through Oct. 31. Read MoreJun 5, 2019
Healthier You: ‘Mindfulness for Stress Reduction’
Drew Sevel, a clinical health psychologist at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, will present "Mindfulness for Stress Reduction" on Thursday, June 6, in Light Hall, Room 214. Read MoreJun 5, 2019
All three steps of Go for the Gold now available
Faculty and staff paying for Vanderbilt Health Plan benefits beginning Jan. 1, 2020, can earn up to $240 in wellness credit by completing Go for the Gold. Read MoreJun 5, 2019
Spring issue of VCFC newsletter includes updates for campus community
An update on child care, family services, new resources and Chancellor Zeppos' visit. Read MoreJun 4, 2019
Limited submission opportunity: 2020 NEH Summer Stipends
Vanderbilt University may nominate two candidates for the National Endowment for the Humanities' Summer Stipends program. Read MoreJun 3, 2019
Flexner Deans’ Lecture Series featuring Dr. Edward M. Hundert
Edward M. Hundert is the Dean for Medical Education and the Daniel D. Federman, M.D. Professor in Residence of Global Health and Social Medicine and Medical Education at Harvard Medical School. Read MoreJun 3, 2019