External Story
National Coming Out Week is Oct. 1-11
National Coming Out Week is scheduled from Wednesday, Oct. 1, through Saturday, Oct. 11. This year’s theme is “You Do You.” The theme was selected to encourage everyone to feel empowered and proud of the identities they hold. Read MoreSep 23, 2014
BME doctoral student receives Department of Defense fellowship
Oscar Ayala, a doctoral student in biomedical engineering at Vanderbilt, has been awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. The NDSEG Fellowship is sponsored and funded by the Department of Defense. Read MoreSep 23, 2014
LGBTI Health Grand Rounds: ‘Hormonal Therapies for Transgender Individuals’
LGBTI Health Grand Rounds: “Hormonal Therapies for Transgender Individuals," takes place on Sept. 26. Read MoreSep 19, 2014
Popdose profiles alumnus Andrew Maraniss and his upcoming book about Perry Wallace
Andrew Maraniss, BA’92, first wrote about SEC pioneer Perry Wallace, BE’72, as a sophomore history major. Nearly 25 years later, Vanderbilt University Press will release Strong Inside: Perry Wallace and the Collision of Race and Sports in the South in December. Popdose.com profiles Maraniss and his passion to tell Wallace’s… Read MoreSep 19, 2014
Engineering alumnus breaks down tough concepts … and tough-to-hear news
If Scott Potter, BE’86, is on your TV, it’s probably not going to be good news. He has the difficult job of telling residents when there’s a problem with their water service — but his clear, concise approach offers lessons on breaking down complicated engineering concepts for the public. Read MoreSep 19, 2014
World on Wednesdays: Disability resources for multicultural populations
International Student and Scholar Services hosts its latest installment of World on Wednesdays on Sept. 24: “Connecting Multicultural Populations with Disability Resources." Read MoreSep 18, 2014
Fukushima investigator reveals nuclear lessons for U.S.
B. John Garrick, a nuclear engineer and vice-chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Committee for Improving Safety and Security of U.S. Nuclear Plants, recounted what he saw at Japan's Fukushima nuclear facility for an audience of Vanderbilt University School of Engineering professors and students on Tuesday. Read MoreSep 18, 2014
Alumna Samar Ali, BS’03, JD’06, helps Obama confront ISIS
Samar Ali, BS’03, JD’06, a member of the Vanderbilt Alumni Association Board of Directors, has joined Nashville law firm Bone McAllester Norton to practice international law and continue private diplomatic work in the Middle East and elsewhere. She previously advised Gov. Bill Haslam on economic issues and was a counterterrorism… Read MoreSep 17, 2014
Flulapalooza is Oct. 1
Vanderbilt University and Medical Center faculty, staff, students and volunteers will once again have the opportunity to be part of a mass flu vaccination event that three years ago more than doubled the current world record for the total number of vaccinations given in an eight-hour period. Read MoreSep 17, 2014
Our favorite photos of the week
Family Weekend, Commodore football, 9/11 remembrances and more are included in our favorite photos of the week. Share your photos by tagging them #vandygram. Read MoreSep 14, 2014
Vandy Walk & Talk: ‘Safety 101 with VUPD’
Lieutenant Rochelle Berrios will lead the next installment of Vandy Walk & Talk on Thursday, Sept. 25. Read MoreSep 12, 2014
Mark your calendar: Watkins lecture Oct. 14
Hear Michael R. DeBaun,professor of pediatrics and medicine at Vanderbilt School of Medicine. Read MoreSep 12, 2014
Get ready for Heart Walk Oct. 4
Everyone who registers with a Vanderbilt team gets a Team Vanderbilt t-shirt. Read MoreSep 11, 2014
World on Wednesdays to discuss Chinese philosophers, religion
Learn more about the religions and philosophy of China. Read MoreSep 11, 2014
Babies and You: ‘Men Have Babies, Too’
This session will help men know how they can help during pregnancy, and how to bond with baby. Read MoreSep 11, 2014
Alumnus Hedgecock’s PinPtr wows Spark Nashville crowd, takes win
Will Hedgecock, BE’08, MS’09, PhD’14, founder of PinPtr, a high-precision GPS that can detect a difference in location within centimeters instead of meters, took first place at Spark Nashville, a rapid-fire pitch competition. Read MoreSep 11, 2014
Two from ‘Teen Mom’ sign books at Barnes & Noble
Kailyn Lowry and Amber Portwood (MTV's "Teen Mom") have each written their own inspirational story and will be greeting fans and signing book together Sept. 15 at Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt. Read MoreSep 10, 2014
Next Flexner Dean’s Lecture Sept. 16
Donald R. Hopkins, vice president of health programs at The Carter Presidential Center at Emory University, will discuss “The ‘Discovery’ and Eradication of Guinea Worm Disease” at noon Tuesday, Sept. 16, in Light Hall, Room 208. Read MoreSep 10, 2014
Haiti photography exhibit and talk Sept. 11
“Photography and community development in Haiti” is the topic of a talk Sept. 11. Read MoreSep 5, 2014
Outpatient pharmacy debuts online refills
The Vanderbilt Outpatient Pharmacy has launched a website to allow current customers to request refills online. Read MoreSep 4, 2014