External Story
Our favorite #vandygram photos of the week
To share your campus shots with us on social media, just tag them #vandygram. See more of our favorites on the Get Social website. Read MoreFeb 19, 2016
Our favorite #vandygram photos of the week
Check out more of our favorite #vandygram photos on the Get Social website. Do you have great photos to share with us? Just tag them #vandygram. Photo by @vanderbiltengineering Empty Stevenson Center classroom is a quiet place to study. #engineering #vandygram #vanderbilt #studying #stem… Read MoreFeb 12, 2016
LeBoeuf called to active duty as Army University’s vice provost of academic affairs
Brig. Gen. Eugene J. LeBoeuf, a civil engineering professor at Vanderbilt, has been called to active duty in the U.S. Army to serve as vice provost of academic affairs for Army University and deputy commanding general for reserve affairs for the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center. Read MoreFeb 11, 2016
Attend the Love Your Heart expo Feb. 25
Participate in Know Your Numbers and a cholesterol and glucose screening (while supplies last). The Love Your Heart Expo is sponsored by Health Plus and the Vanderbilt Heart and Vascular Institute. Read MoreFeb 10, 2016
Engineering school announces 2016 alumni honorees, distinguished friend
Vanderbilt engineering alumni Kendall Card and Perry E. Wallace Jr. will be inducted into the School of Engineering Academy of Distinguished Alumni at a special event in April. S. Shankar Sastry will be inducted as a member of the school’s Circle of Distinguished Friends. Read MoreFeb 10, 2016
Sign up to be a Giving Day volunteer
With Valentine’s Day approaching, show your love for Vanderbilt by signing up to be a volunteer for the university’s first-ever Giving Day on April 21. As a volunteer, you’ll be asked to make a gift and spread the word about Giving Day through social media. Find out more at vu.edu/givingday. #give4thegold Read MoreFeb 10, 2016
Hot Chocolate 15/5k will close roads near campus Feb. 13
The Hot Chocolate 15/5k is coming to Nashville Saturday, Feb. 13. Road closures will be in effect, including two westbound lanes of West End Avenue. Read MoreFeb 9, 2016
Dykens to step down as director of Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Elisabeth Dykens, Annette Schaffer Eskind Professor and director of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, has announced plans to step down from her role as the center’s director. To assist with the transition, she will continue to serve in this role until a successor is identified. Read MoreFeb 9, 2016
Vanderbilt engineering alumnus disrupts wearables market with biosensing through metal
After wowing 2016 Consumer Electronics Show visitors and appearing in a slew of tech news articles,WiseWear soon will be recognized for what it is: a fitness monitoring, security alert and business management system encased in a piece of art. Jerry Wilmink [BE’02, MS’04, PhD’07] designed the unique technology that allows… Read MoreFeb 8, 2016
Churchwell named to AIMBE College of Fellows
André Churchwell, professor of medicine, biomedical engineering and radiology and radiological sciences and senior associate dean for diversity affairs at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, was recently named to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) College of Fellows. Read MoreFeb 5, 2016
Anilkumar named Faculty Advisor of the Year by Institute of Aeronautics
Amrutur Anilkumar, professor of the practice of aerospace and mechanical engineering, has been named the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2016 Faculty Advisor of the Year. Read MoreFeb 5, 2016
Babies and You: ‘Facing the Challenges of Pregnancy’ Feb. 18
Michelle Collins, a certified nurse midwife and director of the Vanderbilt University School of Nursing Nurse-Midwifery Program, will present "Facing the Challenges of Pregnancy" from noon to 1 p.m. Feb. 18 in the next installment of "Babies and You." Read MoreFeb 5, 2016
Participate in Know Your Numbers for the chance to win prizes
Throughout February, have your blood pressure, height, weight and body mass index checked at Know Your Numbers events on and off campus. Read MoreFeb 5, 2016
10 Questions with improv comedian Megan Ward
Meet Megan Ward: the actress behind Vanderbilt Off-Broadway’s Elle Woods. Well known on campus as an improv comedian, Pi Phi President and VP of the Business Careers and Entertainment Club, she dons a blonde ‘do and pink heels for her starring performance this weekend. Amidst a crazy rehearsal schedule, the… Read MoreFeb 3, 2016
Fallen off the resolution wagon? Vanderbilt expert offers four steps to get back on
We’re now more than a month into the new year, and those optimistic resolutions that greeted 2016 have—heavy sigh—not exactly worked out as you hoped. A Vanderbilt expert on lifestyle changes says that those who have come up short on their resolutions should take heart. Read MoreFeb 3, 2016
Registration for Sarratt’s Summer Youth Art Institute now open
Plan your child's summer with the Sarratt Youth Art Institute held on the Vanderbilt campus. Children explore clay, painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking and textile arts while making new friends and learning about the wonderful world of art. Read MoreFeb 1, 2016
Our favorite #vandygram photos of the week
In honor of the NHL All Star game taking place at the Bridgestone Arena, the Stanley Cup visited Rand this week, leading to some of our favorite #vandygram photos of the week. See more on the Get Social website. The Stanley Cup in Rand… Read MoreJan 29, 2016
January issue of provost’s ‘Open Dore’ newsletter now available
"We are midway through the academic year, and this time of year brings a flurry of activities to recruit new faculty," writes Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Susan Wente in the January issue of "The Open Dore." Read MoreJan 29, 2016
10 Questions with Danny McClanahan, mechanical engineering, math and computer science triple major
Meet Danny: mechanical engineering, math and computer science triple major who speaks both Japanese and Russian, has been a committed intern at places like Microsoft and Twitter, and flaunts formerly pink, (but now bright green) hair. Read MoreJan 27, 2016
Vanderbilt on team to develop advanced nuclear reactors to reduce carbon emissions
Vanderbilt University is part of a new public-private partnership that has been awarded up to $40 million from the U.S. Department of Energy to explore, develop and demonstrate advanced nuclear reactor technologies to help America meet its goals for carbon emission reduction. Read MoreJan 27, 2016