Share your thoughts: Take the VUIT Community Satisfaction Survey

Vanderbilt University Information Technology invites the university community to participate in the VUIT Community Survey, an essential tool to gain insight into how you feel you are being supported by VUIT. Your feedback is vital to helping improve and tailor Vanderbilt’s IT support, products and services to better meet community needs.

Why is your participation important?

  • Shape future services: Your feedback directly influences the development and enhancement of IT services and solutions.
  • Voice your experiences: Share your thoughts on what is working well and what could be improved.
  • Contribute to a better campus experience: Help create a more efficient and supportive IT environment for everyone.

The survey will only take a few minutes of your time. All responses are anonymous, unless you would like VUIT to contact you. You can indicate your preferred contact method at the end of the survey. Survey responses will be used solely for the purpose of improving VUIT.

To ensure one submission per individual, we ask you to enter your Vanderbilt email address before starting the survey. This information will not be associated with your survey response and is only for authentication purposes. Questions about accessing the survey should be sent to

The survey will be open until June 24.

Take the survey now.