Helicopter lift planned on June 10 for West Hall; Parking Lot 95 will be closed for duration of project

To replace and upgrade the utility systems in West Hall, which is on Vanderbilt’s Peabody College campus, a helicopter lift is scheduled for Monday, June 10. 

The helicopter staging area will be in Parking Lot 95 off of 21st Avenue near the Peabody Administration Building. Parking Lot 95 will close in the evening on Sunday, June 9, to ensure that the area is fully secured.  

The flight will begin promptly at 7 a.m. and is expected to last an hour.  The helicopter will take off from Parking Lot 95, fly over North Hall, West Lawn, and to West Hall where it will deliver rooftop equipment. It will follow the same path back to Lot 95 to land.  

Designated staff will walk through West and North Halls before the helicopter takes off to ensure that no students, faculty or staff are in the buildings.  

During the flight, staff and faculty with children attending the Susan Grey School should drop off at Magnolia Circle. If you have questions about childcare drop-off on June 10, please contact the Susan Gray School for more information.  

This work is weather-dependent; if the flight is delayed it will be rescheduled for Tuesday, June 11.  

If you have questions or comments about this project, please email the Campus Planning & Construction department at