Last Faculty Senate meeting of the academic year is Thursday, May 2 

The final Faculty Senate meeting of this academic year is Thursday, May 2, from 4:10 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Faculty Commons Building at 1101 19th Ave. S.  

Voting members (elected senators and deans) should attend in person to assure a physical quorum for several items that require a vote.  

The meeting will include remarks from Chancellor Daniel Diermeier and Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs C. Cybele Raver, and Faculty Senate Chair Andrea Capizzi will report on the Faculty Well-Being Survey. Resolutions from the academic policies and services committee, the faculty manual committee, the strategic planning and academic freedom committee and the Faculty Senate will be presented. A report will be presented from the Liberal Arts Across Vanderbilt Academic Schools committee, and leadership elections will be held.  

Since this is the final meeting of the school year, there will be a reception afterward. All faculty are invited. 

Parking: To accommodate those who may need nearby parking, limited free parking is available in Lot 130 off Grand Avenue behind the Chipotle and Starbucks. Please only use the spots marked “Faculty Senate Meeting.” If the parking area is full, there are paid spaces in Wesley Garage as well as nearby annual parking lots (131B, 132, 111, 80 and 5A and 5B) and daily parking with a pass at the Wesley Garage. 

Please note: The Spring Faculty Assembly took place April 11. A recording of the event is on YouTube. Faculty are invited to provide feedback about this yearly celebration.